And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your - TopicsExpress


And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice, the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Romans 12:1 As a musician, I find that at times I can be a less than perfect worshipper. I’m not the best at multi-tasking, but my mind thinks it is. While playing the drums in our worship band, I have a multitude of thoughts racing through my head that can start to push the actual purpose of me being there out of my mind. Listen for the timing, dont forget your cue, watch the worship leader, get ready for the accent, hear comes the fast part, dont forget the break. Do my drums sound right, am I playing in such a way that the congregation is led into worship? You could go crazy trying to herd all of those thoughts into something manageable. Even when I am not on the platform, I continue to have a bit of a struggle engaging in worship. While I am being led in worship, my mind takes a trip of its own: That songs to slow, to loud, to soft. That particular instrument is to loud, I can,t hear that singer or even staring at the person who is playing out of tune and maybe even praying that God would expedite that persons hearing to quickly fix it. Often enough, it is difficult to step outside of my own worries, preferences, motivations and hang-ups to enter the throne room of God and enjoy the intimacy I have with the Creator of the universe. When you enter into musical times of worship, your mind might do the same thing that mine does. You might be thinking about where you’re going to go to lunch after church, or how many errands need to be done before the end of the day. Your mind might think “I don’t like my voice very much”, or “this person next to me is taking the joyful noise scripture literally”. Whereever our mind goes when we are given an opportunity to worship and connect with God, if we drift away from the awe and reverence of Him, at those times we need to take a moment and repent (do an about face) and renew our focus and understand our purpose yet again; the purpose of worship. We are gathered with millions of other believers all over the world; to worship the One who is worthy. We may only get this opportunity to corporately worship once a week for 90 minutes, but we need to embrace it, push aside the worries of the world and connect with Almighty God and praise Him for what He has done. When we can push past our insecurities, preferences and shortcomings and truly engage, we get a glimpse of what a life of worship can truly be like when you are deep within an intimate relationship with the God who knew you before You were knit together in your mother’s womb. I pray every reader has a spirit filled worship experience this weekend. Have a super blessed day.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 11:10:09 +0000

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