And so it begins... For Easy Access to the BLS… Vote Jon - TopicsExpress


And so it begins... For Easy Access to the BLS… Vote Jon and Emily for your Publicity Officers. Please take a moment to read our manifesto below! Social Media: - There should only be one platform for all Facebook posts from the BLS committee, to ensure coherent communication to members. Consequently, the BLS ‘friend’ profile would remain and the BLS public page would be deleted. - We would ensure easy access to the committee, by clarifying whom to contact for each query and introducing the committee at the beginning of the year. - By using photographs, we would make the profile more eye-catching and dynamic. - The way events are publicised through Facebook invitations would be altered. Rather than receiving excessive notifications, BLS members would invite themselves to events they are interested in. - Tweeting concise and regular reminders instead of links to Facebook would form the basis of our strategy. - Our changes to Twitter would involve providing links to current affairs, legal studying tips and extra-curricular opportunities, to enhance the new dynamic that Twitter can provide. Newsletter: - A PDF newsletter has been a welcome change but further improvements can make it more accessible, concise and engaging. - By only including essential material, we would make it easier for members to find the information they need quickly. - We would hope to replicate the format of Career Zone newsletters, while maintaining our own style. - Publishing the newsletter on Facebook and repeated proofreading are also important for us. Stash: - Stash should be more casual. - Whilst retaining the favourite rugby shirt, we would introduce more variety such as zip-hoodies, t-shirts and, our personal favourite, onesies! - We see no reason to restrict stash to three items. Website: - Securing the new website as a means of primary communication is essential for us. For Easy Access to the BLS… Vote Jon and Emily for your Publicity Officers.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:29:08 +0000

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