And so the club rigby season has reached its end. Primmies - TopicsExpress


And so the club rigby season has reached its end. Primmies narrowly lost against UWC. And I am cool with that. They made stupid mistakes and took silly decisions. NOTHING can be said of UWC. They played to win...and they did. WELL DONE UWC! WELL DONE! But that does not take away from the fact that the level of refereeing and linesmanship was SO would be laughable if it was not bloody DISRESPECTFUL!! It is utterly disrespectful that the WPRU can disrespect hardworking rugby clubs like they do - by continuously sending this low calibre of officials. And I am not only talking about today or Primrose RFC. The WPRU is supposedly the richest in the country. One would think that they would be able to pay for proper training of their officials! And while I am in the mood....lets deal with our fabulous province and the pace of TRANSFORMATION in rugby. It is PATHETIC! BESIDES it being about WHO you GALLS me that we can even talk of transformation and opportunity when our disadvantaged communities remain just that....DISADVANTAGED! Some idiot at the union once said to me that there are no longer white and coloured clubs! Well I tell you what honeybun, when you stop smoking that weed you are on and have the GUTS to come and SEE the obstacles our coloured clubs face - and I am not talking about gracing us with the presence of an official on a Saturday - dan praat ons weer!! And pleeeeezzz do not tell me that we are celebrating 20 years of democracy that we should GET OVER IT amd stop using it as an excuse!( Those who know me, KNOW that I do NOT look for excuses or the loophole) But 200 years of democracy cannot even erase what was stolen ftom us...and we STILL suffer TODAY! And then we want to talk of EQUALITY within the clubs who belong to this union. VISIT our fields. SEE the difference! See the splendour of the STANDS. See the SHITHOLES:-)our coloured clubs have to play on. See how our children HAVE IMMENSE talent...but NO BOOTS! See our IMMENSE talent...but NO FOOD! SHOW me what you are doing to address one of the most REAL problems which are the reason ( BESIDES THE BLATANT FAVOURITISM OF THE ELITE SCHOOLS AND CLUBS. Pssstttttt.... Please do not think we are UNAWARE of the ....... within the selection process!)) our children cannot come through the ranks! And then you explain to me how the playing fields are levelled when OUR juniors who only get to practice ONCE a week are supposed to compete against juniors from schools WHO HAVE RUGBY AS PART OF THEIR CRITERIA! Dear rugby unions please stop your condescending of my community with all your SUPERFICIAL UPLIFTMENT crap! And since I am writing this in my absolute PERSONAL CAPACITY, please do not even think of taking me to task about it. Want as ek Nuweland toe wil gaan dan KOOP ek a ticket! I do not sell MY SOUL AND MY COMMUMITY WHO GOT ME THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE...vir a paar box tickets! It seems that the moment some (NOT ALL)officials are in at the Union en hulle kyk bietjie mooi na hulle...then you forget about the CLUB that put you there in the first place! Apologies...but I have never found the ja-baas mentality very attractive! Look at our old SARU legends...NO appreciation or respect for them! Weereens...give them some match tickets and keep them happy! How about paying for their medical bills...since because most of them were DENIED ACCESS to universities and subsequently to good jobs - they do not have MEDICAL AIDS! Acknowledge that reality! I take my hat off to the Collegians, Rangers, Violets, Primrose, Schotcheskloof, Sir Lowrians,Silvertree, Pniel, MIT,Callies and ALL other COMMUNITY Rugby clubs who still keep going through all the obstacles they face. LOOK at KLOOF! Bloody brilliantly representing our community in Super League A for the last decade...but more and more money is being made available to sponsor the teams...WHO LEAST NEED IT! Look at Collegians and their absolute lack of facilities. Look at Primrose who is 118 years old who still have ducks on their field when it rains because of no drainage! So my ABSOLUTE PERSONAL CAPACITY - not showing preference to ANY club or representing any media outlet...THE PATHETIC REFEREEING is indeed the LAST of community club rugby worries. TRANSFORMATION and Kardashian Ass! And you know what is year I will be writing this AGAIN! And I will be supporting club rugby AGAIN. Because I love my community and the rugby it produces. And we are SO DESPERATE TO BELONG TO THIS RUGBY STRUCTURE...dat ons net al die &%# aanhoudend opvriet! But dammit! - OUR TALENT AND COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTION DESERVES TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED....AND RESPECTED!NB* En ek se dit nou hier vir almal om te sien, because we all want to hint at it, but no one comes out and voices it...IT IS AN ABSOLUTE BLOODY DISGRACE THAT NIZAAM CARR IS NOT THE WP CAPTAIN AND PART OF THE SPRINGBOK SQAUD!He and his family have had to work 100 times harder than some of his elite, privileged peers and their families. And YET today, through his HARD WORK, TALENT AND HUMILITY..HE IS MORE THAN COMPETENT! I really hope that the powers that be ACKNOWLEDGE THIS!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 17:07:13 +0000

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