And thats my life I just dunno why this is. I cant all - TopicsExpress


And thats my life I just dunno why this is. I cant all together im lost for life Ill always wonder now and have that what if but then again I have to give her a chance too for herself to get away from all.of this,I am a different person now I feel like. I woulda never ever just said OKAY to her and just tried to get her to think that Im not about any of this I just wouldnt. I woulda stayed positive and just made us.fall love all over.again and I think its crazy but I liked the thrill cause it showed me what me and her were capable of and no1 can say that their life was simular at all it was a ride and a life saving time for us both, .we had both lost a loved one at the tome we met and my DAD who died for some reason told me to be with her before he died IDK why but I remembered it and it happened somehow it was a crazy idea and we fell in love now how did we explain that or anybody? We didnt know it was faith I guess. .but either way it happened some how my dad had.told me my life and said the girls name to me yes .her name lol. do u explain that to anybody who would really understand that and see it how (we did)cause her name came out of my fathers mouth I loved my dad to death wish he woulda been here thought it all to help.but then again now I see the big picture and I dont like it I dont Im lost I feel lie Im missing something and it will always be like that for us both I think if we wouldnt have gotten together and she wouldnt have me and I wouldnt have of had her we woulda suffered over our loses we had and became a danger to ourselves and wouldnt have made it we woulda just fell off the deep end And all hope woulda been gone. She lost Danielle her b/f and I lost mine too my father. We felt lost and abandoned. We were only kids at that.time We asked yourself all the time how this happened how did my dad do it just the other day it was brought up,.my dad was religious and believed in faith hope and love he must believed in US to do the right things and to see whats going on in the world and we needed each other to say no and help guide each other through the dark paths that come ahead she was my beauty and I was her beast. .and still will be for the rest of her life. .all she has to do is say my name and Ill come help her she knows this and if she dont feel the same thats okay. .I hope she never needs help. Again I hope she can do it herself now and be able to not blind to the world and evil ppl in it. Demons are real. They.are all around u the ppl u love will hurt u. Now that this is all said and done Darilyn Clifton be like me babe see whats around u dont be so gullible when another man tries to tell u everything u wanna hear.and sais he cares. Be smart use some of my ways to avoid u from another bad man cause the devil will paint a picture for u To see he will but dont fall into it be wise enough to see it de. .never the enemy or the ppl that wanna sed u go back to where we were Im trusting u to please be wise and not afraid of anyone say no to the negative for the rest of your life cause. U might not have me to come save u and I am scared. But u wont ever need me if u just do what.u are.doing now and focus on Justin and ur goals u thats it no1 else and main thing u know u know u hear me dont do it.again like I said if u wanna call. Call me Id like to not lose u completely but. .now I see. And understand why this.happened it was.ment to be it worked.out the end my dad was right he made a miracle happen and it helped us get through. The pain. And now we gotta keep it going we gotta pass the experience on and keep it alive. He would want us to succeed and to know we have to change now for the.better change.our evil ways u know. .we can he trust us somethings alone and knows we are smarter now from when the flowers were yellow in galvestonthat day till now. .darilyn I love u and u will always be in my skin its real. God works in ways u just gotta see the little ways u overlooked dont be stupid be wise and most of all be kind and listen and understand how someone is even if they hurt u sometimes u know the ppl that wouldnt hurt u intentionally I did so I forgave. Never forget but I just well idk I had hope and I recognised the real she showed me herself inside the real. De they world makes us make bad decisions it does we grew up in it and came from nothing but bad decisions but now is where we change.that now is where u go.on and change peoples lifes now is Ur. Time to be loyal and honest do other as u want to u and. Dont let anyone ever hurt u or take u away from justin. He cant grow up like us. .I know u wont let him I know u will be great.(besomeone) use the words to guide u usr the lyrics the graffiti use the. Ways they dont know. .remover hate and use it mind u have a gift find it now.Ill be waiting on u. .Clifton nation forever make me smile when I see u .I got a let u help others now. U helped me enough and Ill never thank u enough u made me and helped a lot get outta the lifestyle u still have a chance.and this is it do what u say u were gonna do. .motivate change its a movement join the.fight make ur Mark on people..make a legacy they can remberr u by my dad and everyone and me prays and knows it is gonna be great find something that helped u get through the.bad times something that changed it life.and when u do well baby de......exactally u know the rest. 02/27/2010___Never a end never good bye its hello love you most Jeff Clifton recognise the real ur future depends on it if u wanna never go back to what we usta be work with kids somehow i think u will maybe like it or do more just tho
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:07:56 +0000

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