“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it - TopicsExpress


“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,* you were doing it to me!’-MT.25:40 This passage came up in my assigned REAP reading for today. When Karen & Maury entered the hospital the staff didnt know them from Adam. Since I have been here the care they have administered has been emmaculate. You might say that is there job. No. You dont understand. The care has gone way beyond job level. The nurse staff cheers each tme they see Maury making a trip down to see Karen. The day I asked for a wheelchair so he could go see her for the first time the nurses started to tear up and said they would very much like for him to be able to go as soon as possible because the doctors said it was now possible. His nurses and doctors have made it a point on several occasions to use their resources to check with other staff and give him any info they could gather on his wife unsolicited. In typical big brother fashion Maurys nurse has come to respect him and may very well be a person of peace for him. He was able to begin explaining faith in the one true God, hope in the one true God, and Love from the one true God that leads to love from others through a tattoo on his arm. Pretty cool. One nurse told us of how they celebrate with each good report they receive from the ICU nurses and that those who are believers are praying for them. Karens nurses also perk up each time they see us. They answer any question, explain any test, get us any info, and help make Karen as comfortable as can be. They have cared for Glenna also in a great way during the many hours she has spent in the room with Karen. Philip and Lori my host couple, Kay & Robert who run the IMB guest house, Jenn & Dianne some missionary friends of Michael Pickering have all been just over the top and have let us know how they intend to fill the gap once some of us leave. The measures they have gone to for us are just unfathomable. They have readjusted schedules, ran errands, taught us how to get around the city, how not to get ripped off, and just started conversations on different topics to ease tense moments. We could not ask for better brothers and sisters in Christ. Today is my last full day here as I board a plane early tomorrow morning to begin the trek back home. Philip did make me an offer to join him in planting churches here in Bangkok but Freeport is my home. Their cute little daughter Claire had quite the sells pitch. As the ache of having to leave grows I also have peace knowing the care that my friends are in. If you are on Texas time you can be at ease for our lavish God has lashishly supplied what is needed for our friends. It is a new day in Thailand and the provisions of our God are boundless.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 00:07:54 +0000

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