And the first NZ reviews are in: Absolutely loved The Underarm! - TopicsExpress


And the first NZ reviews are in: Absolutely loved The Underarm! ... fantastic show, brilliant performances - (Nigel Higgington II). Jeremy Kewleys Don Lewis is as brash and amoral as only a criminal lawyer based on the Gold Coast can be, and he makes no effort to win our sympathy. He certainly pushed every button of my own ambivalent feelings about the other side of the Tasman! And a play as complex as the rules of cricket is as simple as the chance to laugh at how crazy people get over unimportant stuff, and important stuff. I laugh a lot, the audience laughs a lot, we boo, we resist Dons demands to chant “Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi!” and get in behind Colins “Koi-wi! Koi-wi!” We throw empty Tui cans because the chance to do that in a real theatre is just too good to pass up, and generally have a fantastic night out. And then afterwards, I imagine every one of the audience goes home remembering something a little different – something to laugh about, something to think about. Me, I prefer my comedy served with a side of insight and to that end, I certainly dined out well on The Underarm. - (Maryanne Cathro, TheatreView).
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 08:54:05 +0000

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