And the second; Uglies I hop up the stairs to my bus, slinking - TopicsExpress


And the second; Uglies I hop up the stairs to my bus, slinking down the aisle looking for my seat. The tattered blue fabric dips at my weight, letting out an airy whistle. I dig around in my backpack looking for my ear buds, sighing when I dont find them. Instead I settle for reading, pulling out Uglies by Scott Westerfield(omg read it) to the page I left off on. The bus engine roars to life, and voices approach letting me now the rest of the student are coming. I always leave from seventh period early so I can get my flute from the band room without missing the bus, but I somehow always make it on before everyone else. The students file through, sliding their way into the empty seats. Gladly nobody comes to sit with me. Ms. Linda, the bus driver, starts to close the door, but one more body runs up the bus and up the stairs. Piercing green eyes glare at her before he saunters down the aisle, making his blue jeans hang lower on his hips. A royal blue beanie hides most of his hair, but a few chestnut curls peak out of the side, covering his earing. The only thing that separates all of his tattoos and the prying eyes of every single girl is a thin white- long sleeve shirt. My stare- fest comes to an end at the sight of his white converse, carrying him to the seat directly behind me. I sigh thinking to myself, if only he wasnt such a jerk. I direct my vision back to my book, before his husky voice interrupts. How can you read a book when youve got all of this sitting behind you? He asks, gesturing to himself. The only thing bigger than your ego is you mouth, I scoff at him, trying to read. No, the only thing bigger than my ego is my dick He whispers, making me gasp and drop my book. Grow up, Styles. I roll my eyes at him and pick Uglies up off of the floor. Harry has been best friends with my brother Parker for over four years, since they were freshman. They do everything together. Parker hasnt gotten a single tattoo without Harry getting inked right next to him. Harry hasnt been drunk without Parkers shoulder to lean on. The only thing that separates him and my brother; Parker actually has respect towards women. Harry is rude to everyone, but especially me. Does he think its okay to annoy me, just because his best friend is my brother? He probably does, because I always fire back. I bet Harry thinks this is a game. We go back and forth, throwing insults at one another. But the worst part about his little game; I play along. ~fiftyshadesofweyhey
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 06:52:50 +0000

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