And there is more, so much more ugliness Syrians have lived under, - TopicsExpress


And there is more, so much more ugliness Syrians have lived under, more than can be told in a few lines. Read our stories. Know our people. Young people who were active in trying to fight corruption locally, such as Yahya Shurbaji (nonviolence teacher from Daraya, who has been imprisoned since Sept. 6, 2011) were among the first to form protest committees in this uprising. So, anti-imperialists with your conspiracy theories, such as Cynthia McKinney, Robert Fisk, George Galloway, etc., please dont tell us our Revolution was engineered from abroad. Dont tell us we did not live our grievances. Dont tell us we did not go out to protest from the heart that is sore; from our own oppression we lifted our heads and saw the sky. Dont tell us we did not see what youth in Tunisia did in December 2010 and see our chance to oust a dictator and change a regime that has no moral reason for anyone with an iota of good in them on this earth to support it. And, hey, anti-imperialists around the world, you who used to be our colleagues in our own anti-imperialist stand (yes, our nonviolence friend and colleague Yahya and his friends marched against the US invasion of Iraq back then--and were in fact imprisoned for having the temerity to do so, free assembly being verboten in our land), listen up: if you cannnot see anything to support about our uprising (yes, as mucked-up as it has become, we know, we know), if you cannot see the good even in the civilian resistance side of it that the Syrian Nonviolence Movement is active in, at least do not try to pull the oh but Syrians enjoy free education and healthcare line on us, or the oh but the majority of people in Syria still support Assad line. Please. Did you take a poll? A poll. In Syria. Really? We know. We know what life in Syria is. To all people everywhere: If you cannot say anything in solidarity with our Revolution, if you honestly feel confused about Syria, at least do not become apologists for this monstrously brutal, deeply corrupt regime that has done so much harm to our generations, to our families, to our relationships, to our world that it has uglied, unchecked, for decades. At least do no harm. Do us that favor. Please read the full post, and share.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 04:10:33 +0000

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