And this man calls Asylum Seekers illegals. Read this to - TopicsExpress


And this man calls Asylum Seekers illegals. Read this to understand the cynical bastardry of our government. Whatever your position on asylum seekers, we have laws in this country and they apply to the honourable Scott Morrison as much as they apply to you or me. If you read this article you will see - based on information presented to the court not journalistic speculation- that Morrison is deliberately acting in ways that he knows and has been advised are unlawful. These are deliberate strategies to buy time and delay fulfilling his legal obligations - the High Court of Australia takes time to rule. Not only are his acts knowlingly unlawful, he is cynically using the processes and time frames of OUR judiciary for political purposes and tying up the High Court in considerations that would never need to be presented if Scott wasnt such an illegal. And what does the honourable Mr Morrisons bought time achieve? An opportunity to ignore yet more advice and knowlingly further harm vulnerable people in detention, in the community and through refoulement. This is worth a read too - or at least a skim - to see the latest box of tricks.;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Fbillsdgs%2F3464004%22 Taster : insert a provision into the Migration Act that states that Australia’s non-refoulement (non-return) obligations under international law are irrelevant for the purposes of removing unlawful non-citizens (items 1—2) • remove references to the 1951 Refugees Convention (items 10, 14, 15 amongst others)
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 22:31:20 +0000

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