And this movie is for Nato and for all of the other soldiers in - TopicsExpress


And this movie is for Nato and for all of the other soldiers in the different armies in the world..., you know there was a world war I, and there was a world war II, and too much good people died in it, and too much soldiers, to be precisely millions and tens of millions of soldiers was a cannon fire in those wars, I know that most of you are a contract soldiers and you all take orders from your high command..., and to say exactly you take orders from washington, because Nato and your western governments and the EU is a vassal and a servant of the US and of its Foreign Policy, and you all get dragged to the all of US wars all over the world, because the US restored and developed Western European countries after World War II, and Nato was founded to deal with the Soviet Unions hegemony in Europe and against the Iron Curtain..., but todays Russia is not the Soviet Union, Its a different government at all, with different purposes, it doesnt want to became an empire or a Great power, that is not Russia, cause, Russia just want to build a free and strong country, a strong Russia, with its own strong Economy and because of that the russians are defending their interests so fiercely, because of that Ukraine is now in crisis, because the take over of the rule a year ago(February 2014) in Kiev was an attempt by the West and by the US to hurt the Russian Economy, and this is a part of the Wests policy that the west manages against russia for many centuries, and it is that when the west thinks that russia has become to powrfull to thier opinion they are trying to stop the devlopment of russia, and they are trying to hurt her economic, and even tries to change the the russian government... and becasue of that the russian defend themselvs and their interests so fiercely, and the referendum in the Crimean Peninsula, and the return of the Crimean Peninsula to russia that it is also a historical justice, and because of that there is an hybrid brothers war in Donbass, this is all a part of the russian defense against the western aggression and encroachment, and I will emphasize and repeat defense and defense only. and as said the president of russia Vladimir Putin:In ancient times, they said that what is allowed to Jupiter, is not allowed to the bull..., we russians cant accept with such formulas, Russia is the bear of the world, and in russia the bear is called the owner of the Taiga, and he dont asks anyones permission to do something, he do what he thinks it is right, and he dont want to move to anothers climate areas in the world, there, it is uncomfortable to him, and he feels uncomfortable there, but his own Taiga, he wont give to anyone, in this Im sure..., and because of that the policy of the west against russia is a very dangerous for our world, because you all know the russian military power, and what is the capabilities of the russian army, and you all know the russian ballistic missiles and the nuclear missiles Arsenal..., and russian people will do anything that they can to defend their country and thier interests..., you all need to realize that todays russia has not imperial intentions, it just wants to be a strong and flourishing country with its own strong Economy, and russia released all the republics of the former soviet union to their own free and independent ways long time ago, and she took all their debts on herself, and she dont want any more problems than she already has on her head..., so you need to understand Nato and the west, that russian is not your enemy, and it is not a threat to the world, Russia is your partner for keeping the worlds safety, and the tranquility, peacefulness and stability of this world, your partner..., and russia just wants to conduct a good international and economic relations with different countries in the world, a relations of respect and equality. the treat to the world and your real enemies are the radical islamists and the others extremists, in the middle east and in europe, who do terrible and horrifying things and they are killing and slaughtering thousands of innocent people, and especially ISIS(Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) that was created by the Western intervention in Iraq, and the bloody situation in which they left Iraq in it, after they left Iraq..., as the president of russia Vladimir Putin said:Here in Russia we say that no matter what we do, in the end everything comes out a Kalashnikov..., and I think that no matter what the US does in the world in the end everything that the US does comes out like libya or like Iraq, they came with good intentions supposedly, but now everything there is tearing and falling apart..., look what you Nato and the west brought to the world almost only wars and deaths, look what you have down, now in the 21 century there is a war on Europe soil in eastern Ukraine, and look what happened in Europe, look what happened in paris and in france..., and this is only the start... it is going to be much worse, if you wont stop with your war rhetoric against russia, and if you wont stop yours aggressions and encroachment against russia, the world would be in a real danger of a third hot world war, that after this world war there is a chance that there wont be any world at all, so davai(lets) together make the world safe and stabilized, I believe that you all just want to live a good and peaceful lives, and you all want to return to your homes and to your families in peace... https://youtube/watch?v=DX1PW2n8POg
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 22:01:22 +0000

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