And this one is for those who insist that science and religion run - TopicsExpress


And this one is for those who insist that science and religion run in contrary directions: The two foundations of the twentieth century physics - the quantum theory and the relativity theory - both force us to see the world very much in the way a Hindu, Budhist or Taoist sees it, and this similarity strengthens when we look at the recent attempts to combine these two theories in order to describe the phenomena of the sub-atomic world . Here, the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism are most striking, and we shall encounter statements where it is almost impossible to say whether these have been made by physicists or by Eastern mystics. - Fritjo Capra. For a parallel to the lessons of atomic theory, we must turn to those kinds of problems with which already thinkers like Buddha and Lao Tzu have been confronted, when trying to harmonise our position as spectators and actors in the great drama of existence.- Neil Bohr If we ask if the position of the electron remains the same, we must no; if we ask whether the position of the electron changes with time, we must say no. .If we ask whether the electron is at rest, we must say no. If we ask whether the electron is in motion, we must say no. - Oppenheimer It moves, it moves not; It is far, and it is near; It is within all this, And it is outside of all this. - Upnishads
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 15:16:02 +0000

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