And to help those so called biblical scholars and theologians who - TopicsExpress


And to help those so called biblical scholars and theologians who have been earnestly trying to understand the mystery of this mysterious book called the Bible, I want to share this with you all: All the references to Egypt in the Bible does not necessarily refer to ancient Egypt. As some of you scholars already know, Egypt was a superpower in that Region at some point. Therefore, references to Egypt must be view with care when considering certain scripture contextually with regards to the event (s) and time the author is refering to. As for Zechariah 14, the Egypt spoken of could be the superpower of the time such event would take place. So for example, if all this will take place 50 years from now and America is still a superpower, she will have no rainfall and be plague if she doesnt pay her respect by attending the Feast of Tabernacles. Likewise, the Egypt in Ezekiel 17 is not the Egypt which capital is Carol. The Egypt mention in Ezekiel 17 is the superpower at the time of the event recorded in that scripture. A hint to a wise is quite sufficient. I Hope you all take EXTRA CARE when interpreting the Bible. Thats why I said very soon it would be fun to know who the true remnant of Israel And for you Mr. EAGLE(s) as in Ezekiel 17, my son Taylor who is now in Fair Babylon will surely die there. I guess you think by keeping him I will spare you and not destroy you but you must be out of your mind to think that way. I will give you another 30 years and within that time, if you repent of your sins and live upright then I will spare you from the LORDS wrath. But for my son Charles Taylor, I do know that he made a mistake when he took that oath or signed that pact you lured him to signed to see to it that Liberia remain a mess, as it has been with all those corrupt fools who you have been manipulating to make a mess of my dwelling. But I will forgive my son Charles Taylor but he will surely die in Fair Babylon for that covenant you made with him so that my dwelling will be like the shit its been. And my innocent children are even wondering as to why the Oldest Nation in Africa is just stagnant and cannot even progress despite whatever billions in stupid foreign aides/donations. But you will pay for this Sinnermen. I will also punish you for dispersing all my bright children abroad while their native land remain a piece of shit. I will teach you what happenes when one chooses to be evil and rude to their Creator--that is **If and only If** you will choose not to repent of your evil and acknowledge the Almighty. To demonstrate your disrespect you just enacted laws compelling the Church(es) of England to issue gay marriage certificate and officiate such ceremony(sacrilege) using my Word (Bible).lol. I just hope all those African are running out of you ASAP and going back to Africa. I hope they are getting on the plane RIGHT now because I have a feeling you might choose to continue living in your harlotry. A hint to a wise is quite sufficient my Nigerian, Ghanaian, Gambian, and all African in Fair Babylon...
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 22:42:47 +0000

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