And today’s free mini readings go to …. Andrew Morton – - TopicsExpress


And today’s free mini readings go to …. Andrew Morton – This is going to sound a bit confusing but someone knows or has found out something about another person and wants to ‘tell’ or inform their partner, while the intention is good, I feel it will backfire on them, they’re caught between a rock and a hard place but at this time it’s best to be quiet. I’m also getting a car / problems with a car, I do feel it’s a bit of a lemon. I’m seeing what I think is the English countryside as well – maybe a holiday there? Watch out for a cow or horse on the road… Kerrie Field – Music, someone wanting to learn to play an instrument or sing – they will work with music in some way shape or form. I have no idea why I am getting the word trombone. Are you restless? Moving won’t help, it will just be costly, you need a new hobby something that is done just for you. I am being given the name Prudence. Shantel Klarenbeek – horses, either someone scared of them or loves them, I’m also seeing wild horses (brumbies?) not sure if what I’m seeing is a movie or someone watching them run around in the wild. Be careful your handbag is always closed properly – there is a purse snatcher around. I am being given the name Myrtle. And a child with a throat problem, I do feel it is tonsillitis. Julie Brownlow – too many cooks spoil the broth, you like to organise things and you know you do it better than others, but sometimes you just have to step away and let others muddle their way through. A young female who has problems with her teeth and will need braces, I also feel that they will need to be on for longer than usual. I am being given the name Graham. Tanya George – Be careful what you wish for because it just might come true. Problems at work with a particular colleague, what happens is not in any way your fault. I am being given the name Brenda. A cyst, not sure who this is for, but a female has problems with cysts on their ovaries which will cause fertility problems, they will have children but will need a bit of help. And the name Mark as well. I do understand that everyone would like a mini reading but to keep things fair for all the mini readings on Facebook are selected randomly as a little thank you for liking my page, when you have liked my page your name is put into an excel spread sheet and the computer program picks the next person, these are done when I have the time to fit them in. I cannot tag you in these readings – you need to check each day or maybe a friend may tag you if they see it. Do realise that they may not make sense RIGHT NOW but could be for a few months or even a year – so just put it somewhere that you can look back on it and that you have free will to do anything you want. If you don’t feel you can wait for your random free reading and would like to have a reading with me, I offer the following readings:- • ½ hour and offer face to face at my rooms in Newcastle, emailed and telephone all $50 • One question mini reading (one topic) and a one tarot card reading for $10 • A 3 tarot card reading or 3 one topic questions for $30 (by email only) • Baby reading (for the newborn bub in the family) $40 • Dream Interpretation $15 All readings can be booked through my website katrina-jane
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:06:00 +0000

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