And watching this video Im reminded of a number of things, - TopicsExpress


And watching this video Im reminded of a number of things, thoughts of parents and grandparents coming to this country with hopes of a huge and better future for them and their families. I remember a time when neighbors cared about the place they lived in, where Shopkeepers washed off their sidewalks in the morning before opening, where your neighbors would even sweep the curb in front of their house to keep it clean, remember this country is built upon the past its built upon your parents your grandparents and their parents, its because they payed taxes And saved money and got involved in this country. Its because they went to war during the two most horrific events the planet has really ever witnessed. Its because they went to school and sought higher education, but now were lucky to even have people graduate from schools in our urban centers let alone go on to college. What can we do to make this country regain its self-worth and place on this planet, we can do one major thing, and thats to care, because everything that we do helps this country survive and grow. Because by caring means that we save money, which means were not dependent on the bankers in the moneychangers, it means that were self-reliant, that we know what to do when times of stress an emergency, right now our country has lost its way And I fear we may not get back on point. So do your part, work hard, play hard, save money buckle down because right now the whole planet is on the verge of a huge financial strain and if it goes wrong dont say no one told you so. God bless America, for with the right goals and leadership we can become a great country again.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 05:26:30 +0000

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