And we wonder why some idiot named Wiener keeps showing his name - TopicsExpress


And we wonder why some idiot named Wiener keeps showing his name sake on his cell phone to 20 year old girls (yes girls) after saying he was cured of such things (uh, excuse the pun)? If there is anything I learned over the years as a Missionary, a Probation Officer and a Therapist it’s …don’t loan money to drunks and addicts, don’t ask convicted felons to swear to anything (cause for a dollar they will swear to everything) and don’t let Psychotics BE IN CHARGE. I know it may sound harsh but I’m beginning to think that someone left the back door open to the Psych Center and the Inmates, .. Uh patients are now running the facility. Let’s see, “black children are being gunned down in the streets by the white devil”…my unscientific study done every morning when I turn on the 6:00 AM news shows that 99% of those shot down in metro Atlanta while the rest of us sleep are black…and their ALLEGED killers are black. The economy is coming back (except for that pesky unemployment number) and fuel prices are great… I must be shopping at the wrong Quicktrip. Meanwhile, Congress (who has an approval rating lower than the last season of American Idol) is going to debate giving money to a ghost town…Detroit. Well based on the way they figure the unemployment, Detroit should have the lowest rate in the Country…since no one lives there! Nope, I’m not fooled anymore; some of my former patients are behind the curtain pulling the strings. Only a real Psycho could think that continuing to do stuff that has been proven to NOT work….will one day work. Of course if you have lived your life surrounded by folks who think the Constitution and Rule of Law is no different from a chain letter. And your financial director has the last name Ponzi (as in “scheme”…look it up ) then where else are you going to go. Today our grand leader is going to strike up the band and tell he has “new clothes”. That if we will give him more money he’ll straighten out that unemployment stuff (he’ll keep his union friends employed) that gas stuff (he’ll help his friends make silk purses out of a sows ear so you can put it in your tank) education (he’ll pay his unemployed political friends to tell your children how good the plan is working) and Health (he’ll encourage all the young people to give money for something they rarely use to help those who need it, but won’t get it [the elderly]…while he gives the money to his friends). Sounds like it’s time to put down the tapioca pudding excuse yourself from group therapy and get the hell out, the clocks are turning backwards and the Mad Hatter is serving tea in the Drawing Room. Yes sir, it’s got to be a complete psychotic meltdown that makes “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest” look like just another day at the office. I mean that’s all it could be because the alternative is that they are worthless, lying criminals who will sell the soul of America and its people for thirty pieces of silver…and thus will buy for themselves a Potters Field in the historical record and a place near the furnace when they cross the River Styx! Or maybe they just forgot to take their pills with breakfast. I’ll see y’all on the off ramp.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 11:20:39 +0000

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