And what is bhagaván? The word has been derived form the root - TopicsExpress


And what is bhagaván? The word has been derived form the root word “bhaga” plus “maetup” suffix. “Bhagaván” means one who possesses the following six qualities: áeshvarya, prátapa, yasha, shrii, jiṋána and vaerágya. “Aeshvarya” means “occult power”, which in Saḿskrta is also known as “vibhúti”. “Vibhúti” has two meanings – “ash” and “occult-powers”. Here “occult-powers” are eight in number, namely ańimá, mahimá, laghimá, prápti, prakámya, vashistva, iishvaratva and antaryámitva. In the English language, “aeshvarya” is known as “occult power”; that is, that which is acquired by cult is “occult”. Pratápa: He establishes Himself by His own power. Those who are not dhármikas get scared by His power, and those who are dharmikas find supreme protection in Him. Yasha: By His advent two things happen simultaneously. On the one hand, He gets staunch supporters, and on the other, sworn enemies. The whole human society gets clearly divided into two camps – moralists and immoralists, the bad elements. Everyone has to join either of the two camps, and complete polarization takes place. If one is the North Pole, the other one is the South Pole. He is crowned with success and glory and at the same time faces bitter criticism and infamy. This happened to Lord Shiva and Lord Krśńa also. During their time also the whole society got divided into two camps – the moralists and the immoralists. Remember always dhármic people are ultimately bound to be victorious. Shrii: Shrii means “attraction”, the sweet touch of attraction. This word is made up of “sha”, “ra” and “ii”. “Sha” is the acoustic root of the mutative force, “ra” is the acoustic root of the actional faculty, “ii” denotes feminine gender. Hence “shrii” means “one who possesses the actional faculty of the mutative force”. Jiṋána: “Jiṋána” means “knowledge of the self” The knowledge of the self is the real knowledge. All other forms of knowledge are not knowledge at all, rather they are only shadows of knowledge. There is absence of true knowledge. This knowledge of the self can’t be obtained from study of books, but can be acquired by merging all one’s desires into Him, as He is knowledge incarnate and knowledge personified. Vaerágya: Non-attachment. In Saḿskrta the word “vaerágya” has come from the root verb “arinj”, as has “raiṋjana”, which means “to paint” or “to colour” – that which colours the mind. “Prabháta Raiṋjana” means “he who colours the dawn”. Every object is vibrational and has its own colour. Due to the particular colour of an object, your mind gets attracted to it. So, you should not be attracted to the colour of any object. So it has been said, “Bhaktirbhagavato sevá” – “Devotion is service to Bhagavat or Bhagaván”. Here Bhagaván means “He who has bhaga”, that is, He who embodies all the above-mentioned six qualities. Bhakti is service to Bhagaván. “Bhaktih premasvarúpińii” that is, “devotion is pure love”. “Bhaktiránanda rupáca” – “The only desire of devotees is to give pleasure to Bhagaván.” “Bhakti bhaktasya jiivanam” – “Devotion is the life of devotees.” Just as a fish cannot live without water, devotees cannot survive without devotion. Devotion is the essence, the very source, of life. What is then the most precious thing in human life? It is devotion. If one has gotten devotion, one has gotten everything, and nothing remains unrealized. Devotees have to serve the Lord. Now, what is the true service? To serve His creation is the real service. In common practice, we see that the parents are pleased when their sons or daughters are served. Similarly, the simplest and easiest way to please Me is to serve humanity. Forget whatever you were in the past, or whatever you did in the past, and from this auspicious moment on dedicate yourself to the service of humanity. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti 1 September 1978, Patna Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 08:52:09 +0000

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