And while some schools of thought believe that Vietnam’s - TopicsExpress


And while some schools of thought believe that Vietnam’s inclusion in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations will free it from the shackles of economic dependence with China, a TPP-minted Vietnam could in fact do the opposite, as Chinese companies have rushed to invest in Vietnam’s textile market in order to reap the benefits that the TPP is projected to provide. Even though its government has realized the importance of diversification away from China, a rapprochement with the United States is not enough to allow it to stray too far from Beijing’s economic orbit. Perhaps aware of this fact, Hanoi elected to allow its populace a brief “steam release” in the form of nationalist protests directed at China over the its placement of the HD-981 oil rig in its EEZ in May, followed by Vietnam’s government dialing down the anti-China sentiment after a few weeks. thediplomat/2014/09/us-and-vietnam-should-tread-carefully-on-relations/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+the-diplomat+(The+Diplomat+RSS)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:03:09 +0000

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