And why did this brave and responsible individual, or chealse - TopicsExpress


And why did this brave and responsible individual, or chealse manning, not recieve a Nobel peace prize? Because they do not support the image the dominant faction wants to project. Not to discredit Malala, but she is the perfect ambassador for the farce exploits of the west in the Middle East, feeding the lie that we are bringing peace, democracy and freedom, equality etc,. feeding our want for self assurance and confirmation that our ways are righteous, covering the reality of drone warfare and civilian deaths, feeding our amnesia for the millions that have died since the embargo of Iraq under sadams rule, justifying our wars..Assange/snowden/manning point towards the gruesome state of affairs, malala points us away from this core fact. We bring war, death, corruption and lies in a tidal wave that far outweighs any good we may offer. We coopt people with good hearts, like malala, for our disgusting ends. Our concerns for Ebola or IS abates as soon as its political purpose has been served, when our permission to perpetuate meaningless war has been granted. Its a political sham. If our concerns were truly for life and human beings, as Brothers and sisters of full and equal worth, our concern would not begin when we die of their deseases or Americans and Brits are killed by the IS. The plight of the Kurdish people has lasted for a long time. it dishonors the efforts of such people as malala or the killing of innocent yazidies that we start care/voice their suffering when it serves us. It is given a plateform because it can be used to cover over the reality of the ground. If our interests were truly aligned with such concerns, we would be engaging Pakistan, Kurdistan, desease, everything! radically different. our business is war, power, domination, exploitation, death...stop eating cookies laced with lies.. Its immature..irresponsible..end of rant Less than 24 hours later, the Stockholm Chief Prosecutor, Eva Finne, took over the investigation. She wasted no time in cancelling the arrest warrant, saying, I dont believe there is any reason to suspect that he has committed rape. Four days later, she dismissed the rape investigation altogether, saying, There is no suspicion of any crime whatsoever. The file was closed. ... Katrin Axelsson and Lisa Longstaff of Women Against Rape wrote: The allegations against [Assange] are a smokescreen behind which a number of governments are trying to clamp down on WikiLeaks for having audaciously revealed to the public their secret planning of wars and occupations with their attendant rape, murder and destruction... The authorities care so little about violence against women that they manipulate rape allegations at will. [Assange] has made it clear he is available for questioning by the Swedish authorities, in Britain or via Skype. Why are they refusing this essential step in their investigation? What are they afraid of?
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 12:13:30 +0000

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