And you can take my word(s) to the Bank. Ordinarily, politics - TopicsExpress


And you can take my word(s) to the Bank. Ordinarily, politics is a meal-ticket and a business attraction to many at the corridors of power now, but my threading in the path is borne out of sustainability for a country my children, and their childrens children and country men can lay claim to with pride and honor. It has been my dream to become the GOVERNOR of my state, and if providence provides me with further opportunity, become the President of this great Nation. However, since everything in life starts somewhere, and in leap paces, the State House of Assembly is my immediate call into open field politics. Hence my vying for Membership at the State House of Assembly, Ondo state, come 2015. My core values are intra- collective, but can be highlighted as below: 1) Accountability 2) Stakeholder Engagement, and 3) Passionate public service. ACCOUNTABILITY: This is a lacking ingredient in the Nigeria politics and governance of today, and which has eventually fester corruption to becoming an acceptable norm and even creed in whatever remains of our social values. I grew up under the tutelage of disciplinarians who constantly hammer it in my mindset that everything in life is governed by Cause and Effect! In lay terms, you dont sow beans and expect to harvest yam after the raining season. Accountability is key in every of our actions. We as humans must be ready to give account for every responsibility presented and bestowed upon us. This is even more a greater responsibility when we hold representative capacities in a social contract like governance; as this is the only way to earn TRUST from the people whose powers in such contracts stop at voting in their respective polling units. A public servant must give accounts and reasons for his/ her policy, and this include public spending too. The people that are governed are not only entitled to access the states treasury statement of accounts, but also be at liberty to ask why they should adhere to policies that are promulgated to enhance their sustenance and future. A public leader must act and have the body language that reflects accountability in other to attract like-minds that see to the fruition of his vision before the mandate voted for him expires, hence he fails. This ingredient is the pronounced difference in countries we usually site as example of where institutions function and where of RULE OF LAW prevails and not in abeyance. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT: This is the modern day diagnose that allows for leaders to understand the relevance of priority in attendance to NEEDS in any giving society. A necessity that discourages government from relying on ASSUMPTIONS when considering developmental policies. Every lawmaker is the EYE of the government in his constituency, but also the VOICE of the people he represents at the State level. This simply connotes that a lawmaker will not be fully armed or informed with appropriate information and knowledge to defend or deter a BILL in the House of Assembly if he abandons engaging extensively with his grassroots. It also means dialogue must be encouraged with all stakeholders at various levels, status and interests in the constituency; and for what policy best address issues with priority in mind. On my part, I already have a blueprint that can determine the needs of my people, and in same vein, catalogue it into appropriate priority. In addition, I am not carried away with manifestos that share semblance with an executive office, and as such I have derive means to meeting social expectations of my people beyond what the executives provide for as DEVELOPMENTAL ALLOWANCE. In this regard, I plan to use the OFFICE to broker agreements/ arrangements that favor Wards under my constituency with International NGOs. It is also instructive to Note that this agreements wont require the direct financial participation of the state government, thereby eliminating administrative bottlenecks and delayed funding of such projects. I have specifically window-shopped for NGOs that specialize on Health (for the aged and the very young), Agriculture ( helping rural farmers with training, farm tools and fertilizers), Micro-Credit ( financing for the domestic economy, especially women empowerment), Education ( through scholarships and providing of books), and of course Human Right organizations, giving to my background and love for the Rule of LAW to prevail in whatever circumstance. This advantages will not achieve the maximized values of its potentials without intense and sincere stakeholder engagements. PASSIONATE PUBLIC SERVICE: This is the advanced theme for love thy neighbor in the Bible. Theres so much work to do in present day public servanthood. So much that it takes only a passionate leader with deep love for humanity and progressive mind to sacrifice so much more, for others to survive and have a brighter future. Until a leader or a peoples representative carries the template of a sacrificial lamb in heart, he will not overcome the temptations to be corrupt, nor distractions that lead to self greediness as we have around us today. The passion and zeal that warms my interest for public space is borne out of visioning a happy generation that kicks to be productive. And because I recognize the roles of public servants as it directly or indirectly affect areas of my life and humanity in general, I cannot afford to ignore the roles that recognized charlatans are playing in such mediums now, nor abandon them to continue bashing prospective futures of generations to come. On my part, and in my campaigns, I do not fail to make promises that I know can only be driven by leadership with a true passionate heart. And in addition, I pledge to support and encourage people with like-minds and even eggheads who want to contribute their bit at any level of governance if voted into OFFICE, rather than the pull-down syndrome that is obtainable in our present day clime of devious competition. I am positive that when sincere and proactive aspirants, who preoccupy their minds on how their environment can be better, start to show interest in leadership positions, then and only then will Nigeria abstain from the path to committing suicide and as many of the present crop of leaders continue to urge us to the hanging-rope. Vote for Competence Vote for Accountability Vote for Transparency Vote for Grassroot engagement Vote for Preparedness VOTE for Barr. ALE ABAYOMI ABIODUN.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:03:08 +0000

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