Andean Incas *** prophecies foretold the return of Pachacuti - TopicsExpress


Andean Incas *** prophecies foretold the return of Pachacuti (Pachacutec), but it´s not prophecies of doom - they promise a new human beginning, a millennium of gold on Earth They speak of the potential that comes to. Come out time, which is not simply a metaphorical concept but a concrete achievement that can wake the people of the world. When we walked out of time, let all past concepts and all perception is our normal sense of time and space. This change gives us the potential to recreate ourselves in a totally new paradigm. According to Villoldo, prophecies speak of a tear in the fabric of time. The Andean elders recognize that this event, which is a perceptible phenomenon, presents humanity with an enormous opportunity. If we can each limiting waiver concept we have about ourselves, we will finally see the full splendor of what we can be-what the people of the Inca culture have always known. That we are indeed divine light seeds - seeds we are God. Andean prophecies imply that inputs to other dimensions are opening again. Américo Yabar refers to the current time of Pachacuti as the time of the new seed. The resulting new humanity will be able to perceive the universe in a radically different way; we will be able to go outside of linear time. The prophecies also speak of the time mastay, or reintregación people of the four directions. The qero (Quero) and other Andean teachings have offered to help the world prepare for the Great mastay. As they express it, the time is coming for the Great Eagle North and South Great Condor (referring to America as a whole) fly together again. Andean Incas Mosog Karpay teachings involve a special ceremony in which the seed of Pachacuti is said to be placed in the luminous body of each recipient, thus through a power transmission, connecting the individual with the power of the lineage old, the seedbed of Viracocha. Within the seed are all light codes the body of the Incas, the gods being directly connected to the stars. There are many ways to awaken the seed of divinity in us all. Through prayer (the sacred speech), through ceremony and ritual (the sacred actions), through direct transmission (the sacred grace), and by the practice of Ayni (the holy being), seeds within us can wake up and thrive. However, these seeds will not wake up until we rid ourselves of the false beliefs that tell us we are separate from nature. To wake need to get rid of the vision of limited Cartesian world and we meet with the divine Cosmic Mother. In this context Alberto Villolldo expose that to win an expansion of consciousness, requiring first Westerners to shed the myth that we were expelled and separated from the divine source. We are the only people in the world who were expelled. Entire primitive people (Native Americans, Indians, Amerindians, etc.) have a communion with the Earth and everything that belongs to her. They can still walk the Earth, they can still talk to the trees, the rivers and the rivers they answer. We need to offer to Pachamama (Earth) our highest Ayni. This may be the single most important thing you can do either both as individuals and as a human community. The Andean holistic look of the importance of relationships also extends to the types of people and cultures. In this view there are three types of people: Those who have knowledge, known as Yachay, those who have love and feelings, known as Munay; and those who have the ability to manifest, known as Llankay. European people are said to embody most of the great intellectual power Yachay. The people of North America are said to have developed the physical power and the strong will that leads to action in the external world, corresponding to Llankay. And the Indians of South America are said to possess the greatest love, representing Munay. However, according to the Andean thinking skills is no upper or complete itself. People of all those qualities complement each other, and only when these three modes work together will be a unified humanity. In addition, and more importantly, these three aspects-mind, body, and heart, as well as three symbolic stones that Mayans set in their homes should be merclados within each individual. Unbalancing within individuals, in separate cultures, and within humanity as a whole must be corrected. The ancient Andean concept of relationships has much to offer to our modern world. This makes you stressed that we must all work together cooperatively and gather our strengths and weaknesses as individuals and as a collective fists in the spirit of exchange and reciprocity. Only through the spirit of reciprocity we will complete us as individuals and as human. Source: Judith P. Bluestones Return of the Children of Light: Prophecies of the Incas and Mayans for a new world. Prophecies of the Incas Queros The Qeros (Keros) also known as the last Incas have also contributed their vision to the prophecies of the Incas to the times we are living near the end of 2012. Inca Qeros These Inca known as Qeros would have held in higher at 4200 meters to escape the last Spanish conquest heights. They were there, jealously guarding the wisdom of their ancestors, waiting for the right time to bring them out now, and it was in 1949 that they were discovered. In recent times, there has been much talk about Qeros Incas (Keros) after Pachacuteq (Pachacuti) pain down from the Andes area Qusco (Cusco), to the valleys, sharing their wisdom stored in the most inhospitable mountains. The Qeros have preserved the sacred prophecies talk about the call of mastay and reintegration of the four nations: Antisuyu Qontisuyu, Chincasuyu, Qollasuyu, the four cardinal points. The Qero are a reality today as any other people who survived colonization. They also shared their vision and known ancient Inca prophecy: The Union of the sacred birds: The Eagle and the Condor. eagle condor flying together Inca Prophecy As Imbadura of Ecuador, as the Wayuu, the Witoto of Colombia, as the Quechua of Peru and Bolivia, that time has arrived, it is the fulfillment of prophecy, it is the union and the awakening of energy forces Machaq Mayu and Sirpe (viper and flying serpent), is the time of awakening and Puma Uturunku are Wanaku time (Guanaco) and Wikuña (Vicuña). The Qeros (Keros) offer to Western culture a door to all who can understand the respect for all that is sacred, because they, like other people with wisdom, were and are the guardianoes of all knowledge: medicine, ceremonies, all with prophetic content, ad for signals big change is near are met. The Munay, love, understanding and humility will be the engine of this guide great union of peoples and nations. Follow your own footsteps. Learn from the rivers, trees and rocks. Honor the Christ, the Buddha, your brothers and sisters. Honor Mother Earth and the Great Spirit. Honor yourself and all of creation. Look with the eyes of your soul and commit to basics These are the teachings of our brothers Qeros Incas. Note: We found a similarity with the Mayan prophecy which speaks of the prophecy of the end of the era of the Fifth Sun. Giving a new period began. In none of the doomsday prophecies for the end of 2012, unlike the beginning of a time where well go deep transformation approaching our ancestral roots and origins mentioned is determined. Source: Mary Monachesi, Prophecies Incas; Wonder and wisdom in times of change. The Inca rainbow: Kuychi vimeo/99790228
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 04:35:00 +0000

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