Andrew and Sabrina shared their experience with cold sores in - TopicsExpress


Andrew and Sabrina shared their experience with cold sores in front of Allison. Then Allison, Andrew and Sabrina were chatting in the kitchen. Allison gets up to go to the storage room AND SABRINA FOLLOWS HER. She asks her if Allison is okay with her. Of course, Allison says .Sabrina says she is scared Allison will nominate her if she wins HOH. Allison promises she won’t do that. Then later on Sabrina, Andrew and Sarah talking about getting rid of Allison. They think she has a secret alliance with Jon. They don’t like how she used the POV knowing Andrew was at risk of being nominated.Andrew asks why they think Jon and Allison are working together. I just need to know how much of what Allison is telling me is a lie. Andrew says I don’t want to take advantage of a girl that wasn’t taking advantage of me. I’ve done that at home and I would feel horrible about it. Sarah says – based on what I know I do believe that she’s playing you. Andrew and Kenny are talking about Allison. Andrew says that he will do what’s best for the first five. Andrew says I just don’t want to be looked at like a complete as….hole you know what I mean. Andrew says the things that I say, the things that I do will be the things that define me when I get out, you know?! - YES ANDREW IT WILL !!!! Andrew says that Allison swears that she’s being honest with him. Kenny says that’s what people do on Big Brother .. they swear,but are lying. -WELL SAID KENNY !
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 22:35:38 +0000

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