Andropause ,or male menopause is for real.!!! Andropause refers - TopicsExpress


Andropause ,or male menopause is for real.!!! Andropause refers to the gradual but significant loos of testosterone !!! As men hit forty , and sometimes younger, hormonal changes occur that inhibit physical,and cognitive functions. The first signs are abdominal fat and shrinking muscles.This is the hallmark of declining hormones. The symptoms to watch for are Loss in height. (osteoporosis), enlarged prostate, depression, anxiety impotence. Testosterone is a hormone that gives men their strength, its a steroid that builds bone and muscle. Heart being the largest muscle, therefore testosterone is vital to keep the heart strong and pumping.This hormone is forever telling the brain "ALL IS WELL'.At around forty this hormone starts to decline. Man sees a sudden change in his physical and emotional areas. The symptoms to watch for are Shrinking muscles, weight loss, decreased stamina, fatigue, depression, irritability, gallbladder problems, enlarged breasts. Estrogen is must have for a man to be a man.The correct ratio of testosterone and estrogen is what makes him a "man". With age men lose testosterone and in doing so the over produce estrogen.This imbalance diminishes his energy and vitality. The symptoms to watch for excess dominance of estrogen are Hair loss, headaches, weight gain, bloating/ puffiness Progesterone is a hormone produced in tiny amounts in a mans body. This hormone is a building block to testosterone, estrogen and other hormones. If this hormone is low or missing The symptoms to watch out for are Low energy, fatigue, increase in body fat. Thyroid imbalance is the most common i n all ages. The symptoms to watch out for are Stiffness of joints, intolerance to cold n heat, weight gain or difficulty in losing weight, low BP, fluid retention, constipation, pale n dry skin, swollen hands n feet. THE GOOD NEWS IS ANDROPAUSE CAN BE TREATED. A SIMPLE BLOOD TEST OR A SALIVA TEST IS REQUIRED. Dont lose your mind or body. Come visit us at RADIANCE SKIN CARE for your wellness !!!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 11:13:01 +0000

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