Angelina Jolie says that the thought of paying the mansion tax - TopicsExpress


Angelina Jolie says that the thought of paying the mansion tax could put her off of moving to the UK !! Angelina who has been rumoured to have been looking at london properties worth 25 million pounds to around 40 million pounds told CNN and channel 4, that she is very careful with her money as herself and Brad only have a combined wealth of about 400 million pounds, and the pressure of paying out a few extra thousand pounds a year in a mansion tax to help fill the hole in the NHS, could tip them over the edge.( sarcasm in that last bit ) Angelina who is a confirmed idiot, but who likes to think of herself as the new Princess Di as she travels the globe in first class as a UN ambassador, and loves to be pictured in the glossies surrounded by poverty stricken children or bravely walking through a minefield while posing for OK magazine and attending UN conferences telling the world they must do more to end child poverty, but is offended at the thought of having to chip in a few extra grand a year for living in a house the size of a small town !! Whether this mansion tax ever takes off or not, it has done a good job in highlighting just how absurd and selfish the super wealthy have now become these celebrities no longer see themselves as the fortunate ones who mostly found fame and fortune through sheer luck or being in the right place at the right time, they now see themselves as entitled and far apart from the likes of you and I. Over five long years, where every corner of British society has suffered at the hands of Tory austerity , from the disabled and the dying, to the low paid, to nurses and carers, and the million odd victims of the bedroom tax, we heard not one peep from our celebrity do gooders. BUT as soon as there is a whiff of something being taken from them, they are on CNN and Sky and they are in the newspapers and being booked on to political debate shows, all over a amount of money that most of them would spend on a night out and a decent baby sitter. If you ever need to know why we now live in such a cruel divided selfish country, then look no further than our filthy rich celebrities, who no longer seem to realise that on a different day, or a different week, it would be the bedroom tax that they would be paying, it is only because of that bit of luck and that twist of fete, that they are lucky enough to be asked for a mansion tax instead. - i credit the naked truth is david cameron the worst prime minister in history for the article,
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 08:10:15 +0000

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