Angelo, I think youll like this one. For everyone else, this is a - TopicsExpress


Angelo, I think youll like this one. For everyone else, this is a great article. Many of you need to remove your heads from your sphincters and wake the hell up. For those who do not know war, I am happy for you, but for the love of God, please shut the hell up. I dont know what its like to be a woman, so I cannot and do not speak as if I do. But you, in all your infinite ignorance, presume to tell me and the rest of us about war? I have and always will say it, politicians and civilians without at least 4 years of active military service should never be in charge of making military decisions. Many of us joined out of a sense of duty to our country. But, you sent us over with a gun and no bullets, couldnt understand why we were dying, got mad at us when we did the jobs you asked us to do, court martialed us when we returned, and condemned us in the courts of public opinion. I love my country, and I will always serve her, but I stopped fighting for the people a long time ago. I dont fight for you, I fight for my brothers.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:41:10 +0000

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