Angels X I:Volume1 Prologue: The Tale of the Girl’s Normal - TopicsExpress


Angels X I:Volume1 Prologue: The Tale of the Girl’s Normal Days. Lezeiah_Rhegise. Part 4 Then she continues to walk, just like the past old normal days. As she walks on her way with the other strangers, Professors, students, and others to her room. She then thought to her mind, “My life is always having my usual normal days every day, but with that boy I came across earlier. He looks so extraordinary. Is it even possible to have wings with his back? He even had a light with him, and it’s brighter than the sun. Will be my life change with that experience? As she talked lowly Naah. Like extraordinary things will exist in this world. I think Id watched too much anime as she slapped her face then sighed. Along on her way to her room, she then sighted again the light she saw earlier as she saw the boy earlier. The boy is skipping towards her but the girl now currently wants to ignore him “I think I dont have the mood, but to ignore him, but huh?! as she thought to herself sighed while looking at the opposite direction but the boy stops in front of her. “Huh? What’s the business with this boy with me? Im just an ordinary girl who is still studying college! Im not a daughter of a professor or the superintendent here! Why is he always following me? We dont even know each other? Were not even childhood friend our gap of age is way too big! I knew it, hes a son of someone in higher position than me. A child with an attitude of playing with other people. Am I next to be played with someone like him? as she stared to the kid while her head had many questions running around. She then sighed and said, “Stay calm. You just met him. Stop being so judgmental to him! And, he’s still kid! as she snapped on her mind but the boy still not saying a word staring at her cutely. “I think Ill talk first to him Im older than him, by the way. He he. Then the girl starts to talk first as she crouch down to the child but, the child suddenly talks first. “I’ve found you!” as the boy talks to her with glee But the girl,”Huh?” seems shocked what the boy said to her. “My princess! as he smiles then laughs just like a child’s do and waves his arms up and down. With the girl in her shocking expression. “I knew it. He founds someone to be played with him! And that someone is me! she then talks to him, Hey kid, are you lost? I have some candies here. I dont mind having you some. Here! But the boy made a confuse face. Huh? I dont know what youre talking about but thanks for the candy. Youre like a girl scout, my little princess. Ready every time. Uhmnom. as he puts the candy into his mouth while smiling at her. What did he mean about that? Is he even serious with me? as the girl thought to the boy. Hey kid, what are you even talking about?! as she asked to the kid. Hm? I said that Ive found my long lost little princess. After the entire journey in finding you. I have found you. After all the hard work but it’s worth it. as he cuddles himself cutely. Im dead, I am really really dead. I hate this people started staring at me. Ooh! How unfortunate I am to meet this she thought as the people glaring at her. Make sure I wont make it cry” as she thought to herself. Hey kid, I think you need to go to your parents right now. They might be finding you right this she said to the kid. But then again, the kid made a confusing expression at her, Huh? I really mean it, you know. Its really true that you are my real little princess. I wont be mistaken.” saying as hes hugging himself. Oh! And by the way, Shush! Keep he lower his voice down as hes making her quiet with his index finger in his lips. Dont talk to me. Normally, other people thought that youre personally really talking to the wind, because they cant see me in this form of myself this moment. Thats why theyre glaring at you for a long time. as the kid explain to her. Then the silence got her, Huh? Why is he making me quiet? What did he really mean about that? Come to think of it. I forgot that he is really glowing and he even has his wings. Is he really what I thought it should be? An Angel? So Im not imagining that time I came across with him at the streets and then met him here. as the girl thoughts full of questions. Lets find some place that theres no one will pass by at us. Im your considerate angel, you know. as the boy grabbed the girl to the place still in her confusing state. Angel? I knew it, he really is an angel. as she thought to herself. Then as they arrive at a place whereas no one will pass by there at their place. The boy started the talk, I think theres no more people will pass by here now. Well then, Ill introduce myself first. I know that you’re still confused yourself. Well then, lets start from my first name, well, my name is Michaelis Charles Angelus, you can call me Michaelis or Charles whatever you want, my princess. And I am your lawfully angel servant partner. as Michaelis bows down to her.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 05:07:37 +0000

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