Angels daughters testimony: I share this with the hopes that it - TopicsExpress


Angels daughters testimony: I share this with the hopes that it will touch the heart of people and help them decide they are worth it! Hunter, my daughter was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that has attacked her thyroid and her ovaries. Neither of them function at all anymore. I have watched the love of my life struggle with the daily issues of just existing at age 13 compounded with the severe health issues and being overweight. I have watched what used to be a very active and outgoing girl grow to be a very dark and withdrawn preteen :( Not an easy thing to watch! During this process I searched and searched, questioned her 8 specialists and her pediatrician about weight loss aides and everything was turned down.. Then getting the news that Hunter was not going to go through puberty and would never give birth was pretty devastating for us! In June I saw Alyssa Adkins posting some stuff about Plexus Slim... I thought this is new so maybe this is the answer. I contacted her and she sent me a sample and gave me her website address. I went on and printed the ingredients list and started the 3 day sample she sent me. In my first 3 days I lost a little more than 5 pounds, had huge energy and just felt really good. So I sent the ingredients to all of Hunters doctors expecting to get back a no way as I had so many times. In about an hour her Immunologist called to ask me what these were the ingredients to.. I told him. He said ok. I was stunned … this was the first ok in 4 years. Within 24 hours I had an ok from every one of her 9 doctors! I immediately ordered and we started out journey to a healthier life together on June 26th. WOW what a trip we have been having... every day we find something else we love about the Plexus Slim. Hunter has lost 73 pounds; she is no longer a borderline diabetic, she smiles and interacts with all of us… no more locking herself up in her dark bedroom withdrawn from everyone… We actually talk about the future.. I have watched a complete transformation happen right before my very eyes. It is like a caterpillar climbing into his cocoon and coming out this beautiful butterfly. She really smiles and daily she tells me things like... look momma I found my curves and another day she told me... I actually feel skinny... She went back to see her team of specialists in September and was supposed to start her methotrexate infusions for the RA and to have her sleep study repeated along with repeated blood work.. Not only did her blood work come back with the RA and Antibodies reduced by 75% but she also did not have to have the infusions and was even discharged by the Rheumatologists… only to follow-up with annual blood work the entire team was thrilled with her transformation. Their report that was submitted to her Pediatrician said for her to continue the Plexus and to keep up the great work! The days of her sleeping for 18 to 20 hours and being one very miserable teenager are gone. She is one very active and smiling teenager. AND as if this was not enough I had gained weight out of depression and boredom. I have now lost over 52 pounds, I have so much energy, I sleep better and I feel better than I have in such a long time. I have been pre-menopausal for almost a year with terrible hot flashes and night sweats and they are GONE! All 3of my sons and one of my sisters have joined me as Ambassadors. I started on June 26, 2012 with nothing and now I have 100 Ambassadors on my team. I have tripled my income. Wow the past 3 and ½ months have sure flown by.. I went Silver in my first 30 days, Gold in the next 30 days, Sr Gold in the next 30 days and I have a really good chance to be Ruby by the end of October. I am one blessed woman. I wake up every morning and reflect on how far we have come! I get to work with GREAT PEOPLE sharing a GREAT PRODUCT for GREAT PAY! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think life could transform for my family in just 3 ½ months…
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 00:25:43 +0000

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