Angels, ever thought of them? 1. Gabriel One of the best-known - TopicsExpress


Angels, ever thought of them? 1. Gabriel One of the best-known angel “names” of the Bible is that of Gabriel. Gabriel is a messenger of God.(Dan. 8: 16, Dan. 9:21, Luke 1: 5-19 & Luke 1: 26-38) 2. Michael: Michael is an archangel. Jude describes Michael as “the chief angel”.(Jude 9, Rev. 12: 7-...9) Michael is described in the Book of Daniel as “Israel’s guardian angel”. (Dan 10: 21) A prophecy regarding Michael’s role in the end times struggle against evil is revealed to Daniel. (Dan.12: 1) 3. Apollyon: Apollyon is the “angel in charge of the abyss”. (Rev. 9: 11) Apollyon means “The Destroyer”. He has a Hebrew name also: Abaddon. This is not a good angel. 4. Satan: Even Satan is an angel but, a fallen one. Revelation 12: 9 describes his fall from Heaven. Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 3:6 that Satan was condemned because of pride. Satan appears before God as the accuser and meets with The Lord in the first chapter of Job. Satan’s job is to make trouble for us but his days are numbered as we see in Revelation. The unnamed angels who appear most often in Scripture carry out a variety of tasks—all designed to serve God… Worship and praise - This is the main activity portrayed in heaven (Isaiah 6:1-3; Revelation 4-5). Revealing - They serve as messengers to communicate Gods will to men. They helped reveal the law to Moses (Acts 7:52-53), and served as the carriers of much of the material in Daniel, and Revelation. Guiding - Angels gave instructions to Joseph about the birth of Jesus (Matthew 1-2), to the women at the tomb, to Philip (Acts 8:26), and to Cornelius (Acts 10:1-8). Providing - God has used angels to provide physical needs such as food for Hagar (Genesis 21:17-20), Elijah (1 Kings 19:6), and Christ after His temptation (Matthew 4:11). Protecting - Keeping Gods people out of physical danger, as in the cases of Daniel and the lions, and his three friends in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3 and 6). Delivering - Getting Gods people out of danger once theyre in it. Angels released the apostles from prison in Acts 5, and repeated the process for Peter in Acts 12. Strengthening and encouraging - Angels strengthened Jesus after His temptation (Matt 4:11), encouraged the apostles to keep preaching after releasing them from prison (Acts 5:19-20), and told Paul that everyone on his ship would survive the impending shipwreck (Acts 27:23-25). Answering prayer - God often uses angels as His means of answering the prayers of His people (Daniel 9:20-24; 10:10-12; Acts 12:1-17). Caring for believers at the moment of death - In the story of Lazarus and the rich man, we read that angels carried the spirit of Lazarus to “Abrahams bosom” when he died (Luke 16:22). Remember : Even they,[the angels], cannot stop sin.sin is a choice,a choice we make,personally,whether intentionally,or unintentional. Jesus is our only way out of sin. Trust in him,and believe in Him,in His precious name,amen. :)
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 00:06:55 +0000

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