Anger: Three types of anger are recognized by psychologists - TopicsExpress


Anger: Three types of anger are recognized by psychologists hasty and sudden anger settled and deliberate dispositional islamic perspective: Anger (Arabic:غضب, ghadab) in Islam is considered to be instigated by Satan (Shaitan).[78] Factors stated to lead to anger include selfishness, arrogance and excessive ambition.[79] Islamic teachings also state that anger hinders the faith (iman) of a person.[80] The Quran attributes anger to prophets and believers as well as Muhammads enemies. It mentions the anger of Moses (Musa) against his people for worshiping a golden calf and at the moment when Moses strikes an Egyptian for fighting against an Israelite.[81] The anger of Jonah (Yunus) is also mentioned in the Quran, which led to his departure from the people of Nineveh and his eventual realization of his error and his repentance.[82] The removal of anger from the hearts of believers by God (Arabic: الله Allāh) after the fighting against Muhammads enemies is over.[83][84] In general, suppression of anger (Arabic: کاظم, kazm) is deemed a praiseworthy quality in the hadis.[84][85][86] Ibn Abdil Barr, the Andalusian Maliki jurist explains that controlling anger is the door way for restraining other blameworthy traits ego and envy, since these two are less powerful than anger. The hadis state various ways to diminish, prevent and control anger. One of these methods is to perform a ritual ablution, a different narration states that the angry person should lie down and other narrations instructs the angry person to invoke God and seek refuge from the Devil, by reciting I take refuge with Allah from the accursed Devil
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 07:38:22 +0000

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