Anger swept all over me. I couldn’t tolerate her anymore. It is - TopicsExpress


Anger swept all over me. I couldn’t tolerate her anymore. It is a recurring action I have had to grumble with when it comes to her. It isn’t the kind of feeling you want to have on the eve of such an important day in one’s life. ‘Wow, all too soon its here, what’s your plan tomorrow?’ she asked on phone in a soft tone knowing it’s just a day away from my birthday ‘Well,well,well, my plan is you, take you out for dinner and spend the night together with you’ i replied hoping it’s an opportunity to erase our ‘lack of time’ crises. ‘I will be tired and I’m sorry I can’t hang out, we will have to make it another time’ Afe responded to my request. Her weak response certainly got me emotionally drained with anger knowing her work has come up again against spending quality time on a special day Afe is a cooperate lady working with one of the telecommunication firms here. She is cute and has an amazing curvy figure. Wife in mind, working on reality though. It was the second time in a week this has come up and as far as i can recall the sixth time it has come up since meeting her. ‘The pattern is getting annoying and frustrating ‘- I murmured hanging up on her. She was that one person I wanted to spend the day with but ‘things had fallen apart and my heart couldn’t handle it anymore’ Tried as I did emotions had the better of me on- air that faithful morning. On-air delivery was affected; spot –on got spot-less. My friend Andrew Nana Ofori got matters worse that morning too; unaware it was a special day and that a little ‘Happy Birthday’ on radio would have glittered my morning till I reminded him.The day had turned ‘black’ at that point. It was evident a boring birthday was in the offing and not the nicest ones you guys usually have. The turning point was when I logged onto facebook, great heart torching wishes from all of my friends here both on my timeline and inbox. Reading all of your wishes I smiled and felt loved.Nana Ekua Sakyi-gyinae was proudly noisy on facebook about my day and I felt it. Kwesi Sakyi –Gyinae added to it with his stunning present for me and received a Biblical motivational sms from my 54year old mum who joined facebook just a week ago and wishes from Ama Sakyi-Gyinae and Dora Appaigyei lightened it up for me.Family and friends rescued the day and brought back the smile as I left the office to my house. Afe was out of my mind by then having consciously unanswered her calls throughout the day. Sitting on my bed contemplating her action,I whispered, ‘the future with her is bleak’. The knock on my door 30minutes later was heavy. I opened and here is Afe-hands filled with a large pack of pizza and a big wrapped parcel. She dropped them on the floor and staring at me she said ‘I wanted to pull a surprise, I want you to know I’m a changed person ,I will make time for us henceforth’ Standing dumbfounded at her utterance, she held me by the hand pulled me closer and grabbed my lips in a ‘kiss to remember’. She breathed heavily and held me tight Kissing. There was an ‘emotional turn over’ My name is Kojo Darko Sakyi –Gyinae. This is a bit of me.Thank you my facebook friends for making my day a memorable one.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 10:59:35 +0000

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