Angus North and Mearns MSP Nigel Don said: “I wish all my - TopicsExpress


Angus North and Mearns MSP Nigel Don said: “I wish all my constituents a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. We’ll look back on 2014 and recognise its uniqueness for a number of reasons. As a MSP I shall not forget the referendum campaign particularly because of the high level of engagement which it generated; 2014 was the year the Scottish electorate rediscovered that politics matters, and decided for the first time to affirm Scotland’s place in the United Kingdom. But I shall also remember 2014 as the year when food banks became a fixture in my constituency: when the number of folk who cannot even afford to feed themselves increased enormously. Given that the evidence is that the biggest single reason for applications to a food bank is because of failures in the welfare system I continue to be shocked at the Westminster government’s indifference to a matter over which it has complete control. “In that connection I would like to pay tribute to those who persevere as the unsung heroes of our society; the folk who volunteer to help with the young, the aged, and the infirm, and to support those who are one way or another struggling through life. And as I, like most people, will get some time off over the festive period I’d like to recognise the role of those who work in our emergency and health services. The rotas will be covered, 999 calls will still be answered; let’s remember to say thank you. “But the opportunity to contribute is available to all of us. We all have neighbours who would welcome a visit. We all know elderly folk who would welcome assistance particularly when it gets cold and slippery and getting out to the shops is difficult. It’s tempting to think that governments and councils should solve our problems and take responsibility for everything. But we know it’s not true and with falling budgets public authorities are going to be able to do less and less. “So as I wish everyone a very happy Christmas I recognise that we live in challenging times and trust that we will between us work to bring the whole of our society a prosperous 2015.”
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 09:40:00 +0000

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