Animal Friendly Ticket Splitting in Burlington County NJ Mid-Term - TopicsExpress


Animal Friendly Ticket Splitting in Burlington County NJ Mid-Term Elections! Since different parts of Burlington County belong to three different US Congressional districts, there were only two races yesterday that spanned the entire county, the one for the US Senate and the one for Burlington County Freeholder, which was a pick two of four contest. In the Senate race, Democrat Cory Booker, who made the national media a few years ago when he went out on a winters night to rescue a Pit Bull, easily carried the county, as he did the whole state. In the Freeholder race, current director Bruce Garganio, a Republican who has championed the shelter and sponsored some of our longterm resident Pit Bulls for adoption, led the pack, followed closely by his running mate, Mary Ann OBrien, who also has a history of working with and for BCAS. The takeaway? Well, its obvious. For those mostly concerned with partisan politics, if you give a hoot about animals, including controversial animals like Pit Bulls, wear that as the badge if honor that it truly is. People appreciate that and will remember it on Election Day. For those of us who advocate the issue and are less concerned about party labels than we are about who will and will not work with us, we can and should pound home the point that our issues are not those of marginal kooks, but are issues with mainstream appeal. What makes us different is not what we are advocating, but our personal level of involvement. So. carry on!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 17:52:01 +0000

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