Animal Reiki – Day 2 – Animal Chakras/Auras/Hand - TopicsExpress


Animal Reiki – Day 2 – Animal Chakras/Auras/Hand Positions We have so much important information to cover under this heading, so today we will introduce the Chakras and Auras for animals. Discuss a little about the meaning of each of the 7 basic Chakras and the 7 associated Auric fields, as well as the relevance in communication and treatment. Tomorrow we can address Approach, Hand Positions and Treatment. The Charkas are basically the same as in Humans and with about the same meanings. Like windmills spinning, these chakras spin within our bodies sending energy to each and every organ, cell, drop of blood of our frame; they even fuel our thoughts and our emotions. 1st Chakra - Root/Base chakra found at base of the spine is the Chakra of survival, our physical needs. 2nd Chakra - Sacral chakra located in the pelvis area, just below the belly button is the Chakra of Pleasure. 3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus chakra at stomach slightly above the naval is the Social Chakra and that inner knowing or gut feeling. 4th Chakra - The Heart chakra is the center of our entire Chakra system connecting the lower three physical and emotional centers with the three higher mental and spiritual centers, the Chakra of unconditional love. 5th Chakra - Throat chakra is all about communicating, expressing ourselves. 6th Chakra - The Third eye chakra is located in the forehead between the eye brows just above the bridge of the nose. It is the seat of our higher thoughts, reasoning, understanding, and decisions. 7th Chakra is known as the Crown chakra at top of head and is also called the seat of the soul and connection with our Higher Self and higher dimensions, realms, spirit. Each Chakra or energy centers connects to certain organs and physical functions, when all are aligned and balanced, we realize health and wellness. Blocked and imbalanced Chakras disrupt the flow of energy resulting in illness, aches, and pains. The energy centers not only flow through the body but also radiate outside of the body as well. We see this radiation as layers of various colors, the Auric fields; seven Chakras, seven layers in the Aura. The colors of these layers, their brilliance and intensity, reflect the conditions of our physical and mental self - each color represents a different message. Many detailed charts of the meanings of these colors are available – here are a few links that I suggest reading in5d/how-to-read-auras-what-is-the-meaning-of-each-color/ whatsmyaura/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=25&Itemid=139 “The aura of any pet is simpler than that of a human being for their feelings and thoughts are not as complex. Hence, their aura will more or less be one or two colors blending into one another close to their body. Depending upon their mood, their auras will pulsate with happiness or cloud with fear.” Learning to read the Aura is like talking with your pet or any other animal. You will understand their emotions, their feeling of security or of danger. Not only will the Aura point out the areas that treatment is needed most, but that understanding also opens your mind to speak with them as well. Again a quick search will find several links to exercises to help your perfect your ability to read Auras. This one will get you started - readingauras/blog/how-to-read-auras/how-to-see-auras-%E2%80%93-3-simple-exercises-that-will-help-you For now though, simply almost shut your eyes and focus through a small opening and watch the shimmering light, like a halo that surrounds the animal you are treating. Don’t try to force it, just let it happen. At this time color is not important, just the changes, after practice you will be able to ‘see’ the dominant color of the animal’s aura. That primary color will blend with a complementary color then rhythmically blend with and separate from the main color. When your pet is happy the aura will shine and have a splashy look; like it is trying to explode. When it is upset it will get mixed with grey and dark brown or black and will become cloudy and opaque. If you see any black holes, rounds of grey or overall cloudy mixes in the aura, your pet is not well. The black holes would represent serious problems, while the cloudy ones predict some mishap. Tomorrow, we will look at hand positions to be used with animals, for now please continue to practice with the Auras. Today we will close with the Reiju Attunement and Hatsu Rei Ho Meditation – the attunement of beginning, the new beginning of our Animal Reiki program. Mikao Usui, founder of our Spiritual Healing Method, Usui Reiki Ryoho, was very big on meditations. Two in particular he encouraged his students to practice every day, the first is Hatsu Rei Ho, another is known as Gassho, which we will talk more about next week. Hatsu Rei Ho raises the vibration of energy flowing through you and helps you become more focused and relaxed. The Japanese word ‘Ho‘ means ‘technique ‘, so you will find it attached to a lot of Reiki techniques. ‘Hatsu’ means ‘start up’ and of course, ‘Rei’ is ‘Reiki’ ‘Hatsu Rei Ho’ is the meditation used to start or begin your Reiki path. It also introduces the Reiju, the Japanese word meaning to accept or to give energy. Reiju is thought to be Mikao Usuis original attunement. Reiju is still practiced in Japan today. To receive the Reiju attunement, please begin with Hatsu Rei Ho. This will draw divine love and light into your energy center. It also gives you time for peace, and then blesses all your actions with loving, wise energy. The first step is your intention to start Hatsu Rei Ho. Some follow with “Dry Bathing,” or Kenyoku which is a form of brushing your Aura. This removes any negative energy which may have been collected during normal daily activities. You should include Kenyoku before and after each attunement or treatment, also be sure to wash your hands and ensure your breath is fresh. To do Kenyoku or dry bathing: Sit comfortably in your chair with your feet firmly on the ground • Take three deep breaths and on the third breath • Place your right hand on your left shoulder • As you exhale, run your right hand across your body to your right hip. • Then take your left hand and place it on your right shoulder • As you exhale, run your left hand across your body to your left hip. • And once again, place your right hand on your left shoulder • As you exhale, run your right hand across your body to your right hip • Now place your right hand on your left shoulder • As you breathe out, brush your hand down the length of your arm • Take your left hand and place it on your right shoulder • As you breath out, brush your hand down the length of your arm • Once again, place your right hand on your left shoulder • As you breathe out, brush your hand down the length of your arm • Now you can go on to prepare for Reiki or go about your daily life. Sit or stand, with your back straight, hold your hands in the prayer position close to your chest. As you breathe in, visualize golden love and light come in through the top of your head and flow down to your stomach. Also see this light coming through your hands into your heart chakra, then spreading to the rest of your body as you breathe in and out. Continue for a few minutes. When you feel ready to accept this Reiju attunement, rest your hands, palms up, on your thighs and say (out loud or in your mind) “As I begin my Reiki path, I accept Reiju which has been prepared by Mikao Usui Sensei, and channeled for my through Roger Nobles.” Continue to breathe deeply, feel the energy as it flows through your body refreshing empowering each cell, each organ. With this you have completed Hatsu Rei Ho.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 05:52:25 +0000

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