Animal medium? Whether you believe it or not, this story made me - TopicsExpress


Animal medium? Whether you believe it or not, this story made me smile.. #TheReaper #apparitions #medium Country: United States State: Hawaii This was recent, just last week! I took my trusty sidekick Faith...on a walk around the heliport. I live around twelve minutes away, and it is a healthy three mile jaunt along a dirt trail. We were walking at a fast pace, and my dog was sniffing along the fence that borders the trail. This next part is kind of disgusting, but it is true. We find dead pig carcasses in the brush, and I think with all the cook-outs taking place-Island wide, pig leftovers get tossed all over the Island. Not sure why they dont bury them. My dog and I, we find at least two a day. Its not an odor you want to smell. I get really annoyed when a trade wind pushes that smell into my face. Even the dog wrinkles her nose. Its pretty potent. On this specific day, I was happy as one can be. The day was a sunny eighty-four, and the humidity was low. My skin was warm to the touch, and my leg muscles felt strong and fluid. It was a good day, but this was about to change. My dog was ahead of me, about ten steps away, when she jumped away from the large bush she was investigating. I figured it was probably a feral cat, they grow really big here, and Faith is barely an eleven pounder. She ran to me like her backside was on fire, and I laughed at the look on her face. She turned around for me to pick her up, so I obliged, chuckling at her shivering little body. Nothing to be scared of silly dog, I whispered into her ear. I could tell she was looking at me for answers, so I put her on the ground nearest the fence, and told her to stay...I didnt have to tell her twice. She hovered low to the ground, he eyes, staring intensely at the scary bush ahead. I walked over, looking for signs of any movement. I didnt hear or see anything out of the ordinary. It was a bush, nothing more-nothing less. I was about to call the dog over, when I saw a big black bag. It was another step or two, when I saw the first jawbone. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Opening the bag a little wider (with my foot), I saw it was filled with other bones. It was then that I heard the cows. It was horrible. I could hear them being slaughtered. Having the ability of second sight, I see stories unfolding in my minds eye. I could live without being shown this one... Images of cows being hammered in the head with metal bars filled my mind. I could hear the crushing blows on their throats, as they collapsed onto corral fencing. The sounds of their skulls caving in, was not a pretty sound. It was horrible. I guess I was being shown how this bag full of bones... Cow bones to be specific, had come to be here. I hate seeing the scenes of death, but the next part, I do like. Ghostly apparitions were appearing before me. It was the slaughtered cows! They say that animals do not have souls, but they do have a type living energy that moves on after death. I could see them standing around, staying together in a large group. The Ghostly Cows seemed to be waiting for something... Or someone. I could hear faint animal sounds coming from them. They seemed to be talking to one another, probably asking each other What just happened?... It didnt take long before I saw the outlines of Human-Like entities, entering the space where I stood. I stepped away from the scene unfolding, and I watched as an ethereal being peered into the plastic bag in the bushes. He/She? I couldnt tell, but this was a beautiful being-Angel/Ghost...with Shepherd duties? And then more of them appeared... They seemed to be herding the cow apparitions into groups. The ethereal beings carried large Staffs... I knew it! They were Ghostly Shepherds! I could see the landscape behind them, and through them. I stood still, and watched. It was fascinating, and this was a first for me. Talk about timing, to be there as they gathered the animals! I was in awe! These Ghostly people/shepherds were dressed alike. They wore simple white shirts/tunics and pants. It looked like some sort of tie was around the waist, and it looked to be twine colored, but I wasnt sure if it was rope... Or a belt of sorts. Remember, ethereal beings show us what we will be most comfortable viewing. These Shepherds looked a lot like the Christmas picture postcards, and bible stories of my youth. This caused me to smile. In return, I did receive a soft smile from one the Ghostly beings. It was very clear- they were here to gather up the ethereal cows... I watched until they were out of sight, and had faded away. Then I walked over to the bag of bones. I tied off the bag, and carried it with me. It was heavy and cumbersome, but I got it back to my truck. Ok, I know they were only cow bones, but it was something I had to do! I took that bag of bones, and drove to a beautiful hillside. I dragged out my shovel, which I kept in the truck (In case I get stuck while off roading), and buried those bones (minus the bag) up there. I stood back, and looked over the valley below. I couldnt have a picked a prettier place to put those bones. I looked down at my dog, and she seemed to approve. Her little face looked almost joyful. Ok, maybe I am just reading something into her expression, but I felt good. The cows?...I guess they were romping along some ethereal pasture. You are wondering about the pig carcasses?...Yes, I now bury them where they lay. Blessings, Ghostseer...
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 06:21:11 +0000

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