Animals Australia release shocking footage of livestock being - TopicsExpress


Animals Australia release shocking footage of livestock being abused in Kuwait #banliveexport ***WARNING*** Contains graphic images that are distressing. THESE are the graphic and confronting images that are enough to put you off your food. But this footage, shot by Animals Australia activists on the ground in Kuwait, reveal the shocking treatment and illegal slaughter of Australian sheep in a market notorious for cruelty. And it is far from pretty. According to the animals group, hundreds of Australian sheep are being sold illegally from a notoriously cruel livestock market in Kuwait, which is just five minutes down the road from Meat and Livestock Australia inspectors. Animals Australia say the shocking breach of practice is of more concern as the Festival of Sacrifice is currently taking place and it has been left up to its staff to detect and report breaches of live export regulations. Animals Australia communication director, Lisa Chalk told that the scenes captured from this market were appalling and “again represent the worst abuses associated with the live export trade”. Ms Chalk added this abuse took place despite Australian regulations being established in the area to prevent it happening in the first place. The footage shows sheep being tied up, and roughly thrown onto a truck, many panting in the sweltering heat. Some bound sheep were even left lying on hot metal trays while others were thrown into a car boot. “They were visibly distressed by their circumstances, panting uncontrollably and drooling,” Ms Chalk said. “Each of them (is) now facing cruel slaughter.” “It is outrageous that these serious breaches of regulations with shocking welfare implications were occurring without intervention or action from MLA who are based only a ‘stone’s throw away’. “Once again Animals Australia investigators have had to take considerable risks to be able to bring these breaches to the attention of the government.” According to Animals Australia it is the fifth time it has provided the Department of Agriculture with evidence of recurring live export breeches at the Al rai market in Kuwait. The most recent shipment of sheep from Australia to Kuwait arrived in September on a Livestock Shipping Services (LSS) vessel, the Maysora, according to Animals Australia. There were three shipments prior to that, in early September and in August, from LSS and export company, Emmanuel Exports. “It was the horrific abuse of Australian animals documented at this market in 2010 that predicated the government’s new system of live export regulation,” Ms Chalk said. “That such abuse and disregard for regulations continues, both in Jordan and Kuwait, is directly related to the failure to take strong action against exporters for breaches. “Not only must the exporter who failed in their legal responsibility be prosecuted, there needs to be a formal inquiry into why MLA consultants failed to report this serious situation.” Under ESCAS rules (Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System) live export regulations require all animals to be kept within approved supply chains and only slaughtered at approved abattoirs. The individual sale of animals in livestock markets is strictly prohibited and if rules aren’t followed, exporters can be sanctioned by the Department of Agriculture and potentially have their licence suspended. It is the exporter’s responsibility to ensure all ESCAS requirements are met and any investigation conducted by the Department of Agriculture would cover all aspects of the alleged noncompliance. A map of the location showing how close MLA officials are to the market. Meat and Livestock Australia is the body responsible for monitoring live export and providing training in importing countries and are currently in Kuwait to monitor what happens during the Eid (Festival of Sacrifice). Australian Meat and Livestock have been contacted for comment but have not returned calls from However a spokesman for the Department of Agriculture confirmed it had received an initial report of sheep outside approved supply chains in Kuwait, but it had not received any video footage. “The department treats all reports of noncompliance with the Export Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) seriously,” the spokesman said. “As the regulator, the Department of Agriculture will review and assess all evidence provided about noncompliance with ESCAS. The spokesman added the Eid Al-Adha festival, or Eid, is a high risk time for ESCAS noncompliance and one of the most important periods in the Islamic calendar as animals are slaughtered and the meat shared with family, friends and the needy. “It is a time when the private sale of Australian livestock at locations outside the facilities in the approved supply chain are more likely,” he said. “The department has issued an advice notice to all livestock exporters outlining their responsibility to be vigilant in delivering on their special management plans for Eid.” The Australian Live Exporters Council have also been contacted for comment. The reports of the latest cruelty was strongly condemned by Independent MP Andrew Wilkie who called for a complete end to the livestock trade. The Federal member for Denison said he was just as appalled by the reports as Animals Australia activists. “This is a notorious and unlicensed market and Australian livestock should not be there,” he told “This is further proof that the live animal export industry is systemically cruel.” Mr Wilkie added despite repeated exposes around the world at different places, cruel practices within the export industry continued to take place. “This not only shows the world that it’s cruel but also that it’s not in the interests over time to send livestock overseas which is sending jobs out of Australia,” he added. Mr Wilkie added if a direct line was drawn from Perth to Townsville it would show there were no abattoirs which slaughtered animals for export north of these cities. He said sheep could be slaughtered out of Perth and cattle out of Darwin, potentially creating up to 3000 jobs for Australian workers.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 06:53:32 +0000

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