Animals Captivity What if monkeys ruled the world and - TopicsExpress


Animals Captivity What if monkeys ruled the world and they locked you up in a cage? Imagine being captivated for life. In a cage, locked up when you are so innocent. Everyday all around the world, animals are held captive under no free will. They are tortured and deprived of the life they could have in the wild. Many people protest against this awful thing, but it does not change the fact that it is still happening day to day. Zoo’s, circuses and aquariums put on shows to show off the good looks of animals, but deep down inside those animals are suffering. Using hooks, whips, electric rods and other blunt instruments to get those innocent animals to do what they say to make the crowd happy is completely cruel. Animal captivity is not right in any way. Wild animals were created to be free and free is what they should be. Our opinion on this is being against animal captivity for so many different reasons that any person will agree with. Zoo’s, circuses and animal parks hold animals captive for a life of doom. These awful places are educating us when they are just trapping animals to make money. You are basically paying to go into a place where they torture their animals for a living. Although you see what the zoo keepers portray you too, and that is the animals being happy which they are not. These hopeless animals can’t release their energy in any way except for pacing back in forth in their cages. For people to think that, that is okay then there must be something wrong with society. Growing up as kids, everyone thought Flipper the Dolphin was happy and living the best life a dolphin could live. But little did we know that flipper was putting on a show for the whole world to watch. “The smiles you see on these animals are not true reflections of happiness. In actuality, they hate to be enclosed in their holding tanks and are often not fed until it is time to perform their daily routines.” Says Ric O’Barry in his book “Behind the Dolphin’s Smiles”, talking about the Flipper. These animals constantly have a smile on their face weather they are happy or not and that is what makes them a money maker. Flipper the Dolphin committed suicide by taking a deep breath and not coming back up for another one. For an animal to be so unhappy to kill its self is so sad and should never happen. Some people just think of an animal and for it not to have feelings, but this just shows you that those people really do not have feelings. Many people feel as though keeping animals in captivity is saving them from the dangerous in the wild. Some also think that the places are rescuing animals from the wild to save their lives. As much as all those people want to look past those bars and see an animal happy that is not always the case. In a year more than 100 million Americans visit zoos daily and even though more than half of them are against animal captivity, it does not stop them. “I think that animal captivity is okay because they could save some lives of animals but I still think for the most part it is a horrible thing.” (Chelsey Pinegar) I feel as though many people with agree with this statement because we want what is best for the animal but also for them not to be tortured in any way. Any person should agree with if they have any love for animals or a heart. In fact, we truly just keep the animals in captivity for the sake of our entertainment and I truly believe that they were not created for our entertainment. We should not put animals lower than us because we all are a piece of nature. It is too harsh to take these animals from their own family and habitat just so we can have an hour of entertainment on the weekends. From my point of view, it is just not fair. In other words, keeping animals in zoos is one of cruelty. Regardless of what we think we would know about keeping them in captivity, how would they feel? Is not it the same concept as slavery, which was once allowed in our civilization? People who think slavery is wrong should think that this type of animal captivation is wrong too. For example, a tiger needs miles and miles of African land to roam around freely, but instead they are cramped up in cages. Can we say that their lives are fulfilled? I don’t think so. Animals that are put into captivity is completely cruel and a harsh thing for animals to be put through. Yet they live day to day with the torture still smiles on their faces and enjoying what they have. There are many other, more ethical ways to view wild animals and to learn about them without having to look at them behind bars. With informative television programming, educational opportunities on the internet, and the relative ease of international travel, learning about or viewing animals in their natural habitats can be as simple as a flick of a switch or a hike up a mountain. The idea of keeping animals confined behind cage bars is obsolete. Should we really be keeping wild animals in captivity for our own entertainment? Stand up and help to let animals be free in their right environment and not in cages.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 20:55:28 +0000

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