Animals are amplifiers of your own vibrational state; they magnify - TopicsExpress


Animals are amplifiers of your own vibrational state; they magnify and reflect your emotions back to you. Animals are not selfless as so many think, for the most part... they are completely self gratifying. In this episode, Teal explains that beings only ever opt into the experience if it serves them in some way. The reason that they are so easy to love and the reason that they are such good teachers is that they are much more allowing. They remain aware of their own temporary nature. They remain aware of their eternal spirit and so they do not attach to their identities and resist death and resist what they do not like in the way that we do. They tend to stay in alignment regardless of the conditions of their life unless they are trained away from that alignment. It is natural for them to gravitate towards what they enjoy and not focus on what they do not enjoy and because of this alignment, they are able to more closely match the vibration and perspective of their eternal consciousness or higher selves and so they are able to hold the focus and vibration of unconditional love. They do not harbor negative intentions, regardless of what is done to them and you can feel it off of them. Animals are amplifiers of your own vibrational state; they magnify and reflect your emotions back to you. Animals are allowing, this is beneficial to them when they are allowing of their own alignment which is quite easy for them. But not so beneficial when they allow their own alignment with a human who is out of alignment. Animals are not selfless as so many think, for the most part... they are completely self gratifying. They fill up their own cups. And just like people, when their cup is full, it is the natural state of the animal to extend help and extend unconditional love and to accept others in its environment. Like humans, only the animal who has adopted an expectation of scarcity, is greedy and defensive of its food. People are so bad at self gratification and self love that it is rare that their cup is full enough to be unconditionally loving. Animals on the other hand, especially cats, are so good at self gratification and self love that it is rare that their cup is empty enough to not be unconditionally loving. https://youtube/watch?v=yblmlseFG1I
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 22:21:59 +0000

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