Animals have no value, except a value we accord to them? I dont - TopicsExpress


Animals have no value, except a value we accord to them? I dont feel better Anre Robinson is in jail for kicking King the cat, but i do feel that justice is served. So many animals loose their life because a vile humans. Francione says we are all Andre Robinson, we are not, if you are a vegan, dont harm animals, serve for animals, then you can not be like Andre Robinson. The only way we can be Andre Robinson, if we sit back and dont do anything about cases like this. I think hovering people in the same as Andre Robinson is not a good way. Also this is nothing to do with racism, i would be equally pissed off if the white guy did this. No difference. I firmly believe that Francione is actually adding more oil on a racism fire, so the hatred emerges from bellow and continues to rip people off. This whole interview dosnt make much sense, same as a Francione approach to the violence. Sitting back and not doing anything about violent people, would not make us a pacifists, but will make us ignorant about animal issues. That is why we standing up, and not that we seeking only for veganism, but first and foremost for non-cruelty and abuse. I have become vegan by watching Earthlings documentary and not reading books. Firmly believe that reading books and researching more about veganism should be done when you are a vegan already. Francione makes a remark about how different is kicking the cat from eating animals?! It is not different at all, belongs to animal cruelty and abuse. After watching Cowspiracy, i have realized that the animal meat is in the hand of governments, corporations, media, and only way the public can do something about is to become vegan, until that, animals will always suffer. In the kicking of King the cat, its been reported, investigated and prosecuted. This should be done for all the animals. If the human kind can not stop the violence amongst each other, that is a matter for a social aspect, surely other animals dont do deliberate harm towards humans. Some humans are the one who choose to be violent towards all Earthlings, and i can not place all humans in the same basket, as i know a lot for be very decent, ethical and moral. Abuse is all around us, and we can not close our eyes to it. I believe in justice, even sometimes it is not served right. Only can hope that it will change for the better. edition.cnn/video/data/2.0/video/bestoftv/2014/10/04/smerconish-cat-kicked-10042014.cnn.html
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 03:25:27 +0000

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