Anioma Voice crisis: the state of the Voice and way - TopicsExpress


Anioma Voice crisis: the state of the Voice and way forward.............. Our dear Anioma brethren, It is with a great sense of humility and call to the duty of Anioma and the Anioma people that the Board Of Trustees of the Anioma Voice Worldwide Foundation writes to share with you, the leadership challenges it has been grappling with since the past couple of years, which boiled over and spilled into the public domain on October 25, 2014 when the Board, in a press release, announced the suspension of Mr. Emmanuel Akamesike Okonne aka El Oconey from his position as its Chief Messenger in accordance with the provisions of the constitution of the Anioma Voice Worldwide Foundation.Mr. Akamesikes suspension is one of two compelling mild punitive measures adopted to address his gross misconduct, following a holistic and far-reaching recommendations aimed at reorganizing and repositioning the organization for the effective and efficient discharge of its obligations to the Anioma nation made by the Peace and Reconciliation Committee set up to look into the cause and source of the recurrent issues bordering on deepening dangerous crises of confidence that had constantly placed him (Emmanuel Akamesike Okonne) at odds with 99% of the members of the groups Board Of Trustees and a whopping majority of the groups messengers. Without the need to bore the Anioma people with unnecessary details of the cause of the imbroglio in this epistle as Mr. Frank Ofili had already dealt with it earlier on in a message titled ANIOMA VOICE CRISIS: THE FACTS, an excerpt of the preamble and recommendations of the Peace and Reconciliation committee of which is presented below::I own Anioma Voice. I am in control. Anioma (people) are my tenants. As the landlord I cannot allow tenants to push me around ----- Emmanuel Okey Okonne (a.k.a Akamesike Manuel OConey a.k.a El Oconey)in a comment in Onu Ika forum. PREAMBLE The good people of Anioma would recall that shortly after Mr. Emmanuel Okey Okonnes (hereinafter called Akamesike) visit to Nigeria from UK in September 2013, Anioma Voice Worldwide Foundation (owners of Anioma Voice) was thrown into crisis. The cause of that crisis was Akamesikes attempt to forcefully hijack the group. That misstep manifested in his wee-hour illegal changing and renaming of the Facebook profile, name and logo of Anioma Voice and its affiliate groups from ANIOMA VOICE to THE VOICE as he sought to effect a hostile takeover of the group. That crisis was however eventually settled, after which the BOT initiated a reform of the group. The reform process was divided into three parts. Part 1 was to review our constitution, decentralize and de-concentrate the structure and administrative controls (passwords) of the group. Part 2 was to bring back all aggrieved executives who were either arbitrarily removed from the group by Akamesike or left out of anger, and also set up cells (physical teams) in each local government in Anioma. The third and final part was to organize election into various offices. This is the first cause of the present crisis, Against the opinion of the majority of the BOT members, Akamesike insisted that an election must hold without the second part of the reform process being implemented. It must be noted here that Akamesike never really wanted a transparent election. All he wanted was to imposed his own candidates whom he had recruited. These people were not even eligible for election going by our reviewed and adopted constitution. Akamesike just wanted his will to prevail, but of course we saw through the scheme, hence we insisted that the agreed/adopted timetable, the stages and process of the reform as adopted at our May 2014 Obiaruku general meeting be followed religiously. The second cause of the crisis was Akamesike violation of the groups rule guiding political campaign. In a brazen and inexplicable move, he aligned himself with a governorship aspirant by using the groups accounts to make posts and write editorials in favor of the aspirant without the approval of the BOT. This is even as the action violates a fundamental rule of the group as a non-partisan organization. While brazenly campaigning for this aspirant, he at the same time started running down and smearing other aspirants. Some of you may have notice the controversy this mis-conduct generated in the group, thus making the BOT to issue a disclaimer on the 22nd of September 2014. In response, Akamesike issued his own disclaimer. There are also other infractions committed in the past. The crisis that emanated from this coupled with his unrepentant attitude caused the BOT to institute a committee to investigate and resolve the issue. Below is extract of the committees report. I have sought the approval of the BOT to reproduce it here for sake of posterity.EXTRACT OF THE PEACE COMMITTEE REPORTC. The Peace and Reconciliation Committee also found Mr. Emmanuel Akamesike Okonne, the BOT Chairman of Anioma Voice Worldwide Foundation guilty of the following charges: 1. Leadership high-handedness and refusal to act within set rules, regulations and codes of conduct expected of the leadership of Anioma Voice Governing Body (AVGB) as usually reflected in his inflammatory posts which never passed the vetting of the AV Editorial Board as required. 2. Using the Anioma Voice facebook account and other affiliate AV facebook accounts bearing the official Logo of the Anioma Voice Worldwide Foundation to post articles and messages which have severally created serious crises of confidence within the leadership and membership of AVWF, in addition to putting question marks on the fundamental vision and mission of our enviable group and the grand motives of its honourable founders. This has been severally expressed on the public domain by observers and commentators on this forum. 3. The ridiculous and laughable claim that Anioma Voice Worldwide Foundation and all its affiliates both on the internet and on ground are owned solely and wholly by him, a claim he flagrantly flaunted and manifested in the consistent insistence that “Anioma Voice is Akamesike and Akamesike is Anioma Voice”. 4. Flashes of derailment from the noble and original vision and mission of AVWF and his betrayal of the fundamental objectives of the group which gave many of our members a cause for concern and suspicion during and after his recent visit to Nigeria. 5. An arrogant disposition, blatant refusal to be subject to authority and control of the BOT of AVWF and carrying on projects without deliberation, approval and/or in direct disobedience to the directives of the leadership of Anioma Voice. 6. Consistent disobedience to AV’s resolve of neutrality in the choice of Anioma political Representatives and their political ambitions (all being sons and daughters of Anioma) until after the party primaries with his public and inordinate show of support for particular politicians which has left many members confused in the belief that AV and its leadership’s stand on fair-play and neutrality has been compromised. 7. Insolence, arrogance of speech, use of derogatory remarks and conduct. This character which is often reflected in his comments and posts on our pages has become notoriously legendary and quite unacceptable. 8. Cantankerousness to opposing views, which has over time led him to delete and block more than 150 members/Messengers on this forum for daring to disagree with him on issues without clearance from the BOT. 9. Refusal to release the account details of some Anioma Voice Facebook accounts such as the “Anioma Voice” and “AniomaVoice Asaba” and the removal of some accounts that were hitherto Admins to the Anioma Voice Group. This has increased mistrust in the BOT as members suspect he is holding onto them for reasons other than noble. 10. Threats to take over or CLOSE all the AV group’s internet accounts and /or singularly expel the leadership of AV from the groups if he is subjected to any form of disciplinary action for all of the above.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on the above findings, the BOT unanimously resolved as follows: 1. That while it is pertinent for peace and reconciliation to be pursued by all, it will be tantamount to setting a bad precedence if Mr. Emmanuel Akamesike Okonne and all those who are culpable in the crises are not subjected to sanctions for their gross misconduct against the body in line with our Constitution, so as to serve as deterrent to others who may be encouraged in the future to tow the same line as they did. That Article “r” of our Constitution provides that:“Any member or official who:a. Performs functions or act in any official capacity without or against the codes of the constituted authority b. Embezzles the funds of the group c. Fraudulently deals with the group’s funds d. Engages in unlawful/illegal activities e. Does any act capable of bringing the group to disrepute f. Disregards any provisions of the constitution and or any regulations made under it. g. Willfully refuses or fails to carry out any lawful assignment given to him or herh. Fights at any meeting, executive or generali. Does any act or makes any omission which has been adjudged to be gross misconduct shall be investigated by the board of trustees and if found guilty shall be liable to suspension, expulsion, pay a fine or any other punishment as may be recommended by the BOT. Any official or Executive accused with proven evidence is to be suspended until the conclusion of investigation. 2. In pursuance of the above findings, and based on the urgent need to move forward, the following decisions as recommended were adopted by the BOT and the Messengers Conference in order to keep the group running effectively and efficiently: The BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BOT)The BOT remains the apex body of the group Anioma Voice Worldwide Foundation and all its affiliates, but their functions will not be executive or administrative. The bodys activities shall be supervisory, advisory and for issues of discipline in addition to other functions as provided for in our supreme Constitution. Members of the BOT for now will remain the original 12 members (both registered and unregistered at the Corporate Affairs Commission) with equal voting rights for all members. Controversial decisions in the group shall however be taken by a simple majority vote. The Chairman of the BOT shall remain Mr. Akamesike Emmanuel Okonne in recognition of his effort at the foundation period of AVWF. However, MR. EMMANUEL OKONNE IS HEREBY SUSPENDED FROM THE BOT FOR A PERIOD OF 1 (ONE) MONTH FOR HIS ROLE IN THE CRISIS THAT BEFELL AVWF AND SHALL RESUME HIS RIGHTFUL PLACE ON THE BOT AFTER HIS PERIOD OF SANCTION. In the Interim, Mr. Smart Ajaja shall act as the Chairman of the BOT pending the return of the substantive Chairman. THE MESSENGERS CONFERENCE This shall be the administrative body from which the Executive and Administrative leadership of AV shall be drawn. Executive posts shall be filled by elections at a time that will be announced later.. Considering the fact that elections cannot be held immediately, the following Messengers are hereby appointed in the INTERIM (for a period of not more than six(6) months from date of their acceptance) to the following offices: i) National Chief Messenger (NCM): He shall be the Chief Executive Officer and Administrative Head of Anioma Voice Worldwide Group, inferior only in Authority to the Board of Trustees- PRECIOUS NDIDI NWADIMUYA, ESQ ii) National Messenger, Information and Public Relations - CHUCX I. CHUCXiii) Mr. Onwenna Eze Collins was appointed as National Messenger (Secretariat), but his application to the BOT/AVMC to defer acceptance till after the PDP Governorship primaries because of his connection with a certain PDP aspirant in the Elections was overwhelmingly approved. His appointment is therefore deferred till after party primaries on grounds of conflict of interest. iv) Other members of the Interim Exco will be published in due course. The choice of this interim Exco was informed by the initiative and leadership shown by these Messengers both on the AV main walls and the Messengers Conference Room during the crisis that threatened to destroy our group. Members of the Interim Exco may be encouraged to run for offices to ensure a smooth transition after the expiration of their not more than 6months tenure. This is subject however to the quality of their work as Interim Exco. TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE NEW INTERIM EXCO. i. Identify and submit for ratification by the BOT names for appointment as Interim Executive to other posts while conscious of the Aniocha , Ndokwa, Ika and Oshimili brotherhood and spread.ii. Draft an immediate peace treaty/MOU or oath of allegiance to be signed by all members of the Messengers conference.iii. Articulate a standard timetable of activities for AV covering a period of One year.iv. Formulate a process that will eventually ensure the total democratisation of AV in line with our Constitution and the Obiaruku resolutions to set up a viable physical on-ground presence in Delta state covering the 9 Local Govt Areas of Anioma.v. Re-organise the Messengers Conference for better and greater positioning, commitment and work for clear results for the good of our people. We would love to use this medium and opportunity to apologize to all Anioma people, especially those who have been following the unfolding unsavory drama that has immensely and negatively impacted the Anioma voice and its leadership, and by extension, the youths who before now looked, and till this minute look up to us for leadership.This state of the Anioma voice message became compelling because of the events that have been taking place since Mr. Emmanuel Akamesike Okonne, in a Gestapo style, unilaterally seized access to the groups main Facebook page as well as all its affiliate accounts, and deleting all the members of the Board Of Trustees who were before then, administrators of the group accounts excluding the main Group account information which he never shared with anyone because, according to him, it was tied to his personal Facebook account even if the name on it reads Anioma voice, in a definite arrogant defiance to the announcement of his suspension via the Boards press release the previous day, with him now as the sole administrator of the whole group and its online affiliates, the exact same thing he did about the same time in 2013 when we had a similar crisis.Emmanuel Akamesike Okonne, with more than adequate knowledge as made available by professionals with strong legal opinions within and outside the group, and especially by virtue of the provisions of the statute books with special reference to the applicable section of the Nigerian constitution, can no longer say that he is not sufficiently informed that once the Anioma Voice became a registered legal entity, with others, and most importantly, the Anioma people as stakeholders, he lost its sole ownership and any claims to its sole ownership afterwards, a daunting fact and reality he has failed to accept as exemplified by his statements and conducts, but instead, chose to remain in denial, using his sole access to the groups main access Facebook account as a weapon of blackmail to support his paranoia and keep his colleagues whom he sees as threats in check. As stakeholders of the Anioma Voice Worldwide Foundation, the parent body of the Anioma voice and all of its other affiliates, we cannot no longer afford to be held hostage or permit Emmanuel Akamesike Okonne or anyone with an unholy competing interest outside the overriding interest of Anioma and the Anioma people for whom we hold the Anioma voice in trust, to stampede us via cheap blackmail, using his sole access to our property as a bargaining chip to drive the organization whose growth and development we have invested our sweat, emotion, energy, intellect and financial resources to ensure, in the wrong direction because of his growing need to serve self at the expense of the people. A few people blamed us for not acting in time especially with our deep knowledge about the character of Mr. Emmanuel Akamesike Okonne without knowing how much we had tried in vain to get him to conform until it became clear just two days ago, that he could not be restrained and managed, especially with his reverse arrogant thinking that he is the landlord while we are his tenants and as such, would be a lifetime helmsman, necessitating us to move quickly to save the Anioma voice, a pride of the Anioma people from being destroyed completely and ridiculed beyond redemption because of the greed for power, manipulation and tyranny of one man, Though we had a variety of options about the way forward including, but not limited to floating a parallel platform as expected by quite a few, we decided to stay with the Anioma people to assert our stakes both as members of the Board Of Trustees and as free legitimate Anioma citizens to effect the needed change from within the Anioma voice platform because of our belief in the Anioma project via the Anioma voice Worldwide foundation, rather than allowing Mr. Emmanuel Akamesike Okonne to push us out as he did to others with whom he worked in the past, but left with bitter tales about their encounters with his arrogant tyranny. By this address, we are demanding that Mr. Akamesike steps down with immediate effect, from his position as the Chief Messenger of the Anioma voice, for his crass failure of leadership and for failing to submit himself to the disciplinary actions arising from his several infractions for which he was suspended on October 25, 2014, to enable the groups leadership carry out a holistic far-reaching reorganization and sweeping reforms that would free the group from the stranglehold of anyone and above all, rebrand and reposition it for the good of Anioma and the Anioma people via providing an all encompassing sensible and sensitive, and transparent and accountable leadership. To address the challenges associated with one man holding the whole group and by extension, Anioma and the Anioma people hostage, we have adopted a different group approach by creating a standard group fan page which does not give absolute authority to one man to manage, control and do as he pleases, just as Akamesike did when he disabled and incapacitated us from accessing the groups page to make our contributions to the raging debates, especially ahead of a key election where aspirants from our region are major candidates.The official Page of the Anioma Voice Worldwide Foundation is https://facebook/avwpageJoining is very simple and it takes less than five seconds to accomplish by liking the page and start doing the same thing you were doing at the former restrictive platform still under Akamesikes stranglehold.Once you join, you would see a tool that has everybody on your friends list ready for you to invite to Like the page; just use that tool to add all of your Anioma friends to the list so we can build it back to where we were before To all those who left the Anioma Voice because of the intolerance and tyranny exhibited by Mr. Emmanuel Akamesike Okonne, we invite you back to take your rightful positions to start contributing to the Anioma, Delta, Nigeria and global discourse again. Since our goal is to build an Anioma where everybody would have a sense of belonging, we are going to reach out to various Anioma groups with the Anioma interest at heart with a view to building a robust collaborative coalition of action for the good of Anioma and the Anioma people. We are very much aware too, that the Akamesikes abrasive and caustic interpersonal relationship extends beyond the Anioma borders especially via his controversial un-Anioma approach to dealing with non-Anioma people, as a result of which he won some enemies for the Anioma people via his derogatory remarks that did more to alienate us from the rest of Delta. Today, we come back to reclaim our pride of place with audacity as legitimate citizens regardless of out tongue and not as aliens to Delta state on equal footing with Deltans from all other parts. We are Deltans until designated otherwise and we will appreciate that we are seen and respected as such.Finally, we thank all those who called, texted and sent emails to express their concerns for the future of Anioma voice even as we go through a very difficult phase in our journey to the Anioma voice of our dream. We can tell you all with a certainty and with the deepest sense of responsibility that we will come out from this challenge with a stronger, transparent, accountable, sensible and sensitive Anioma voice with respect for one another and for the internal diversity that beautifies the Anioma project. Ofu Obi Onukokome Ogbu Ofifih........ God bless AniomaGod bless DeltaGod bless Nigeria Sign: BOT/AVWF
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 08:06:52 +0000

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