Ann Curry is giving a speech at NIAC... Cyrus S Shahrazi - TopicsExpress


Ann Curry is giving a speech at NIAC... Cyrus S Shahrazi ------ Curry and her types are the bi-products of cold war and radical lefts influence on political doctrines, During the cold-war, the Soviet Union and communists realized that transformation of America and the western nations wasnt possible through violent revolution and insurgency the way in Cuba, Korea, Vietnam, China, Eastern Europe, etc succeeded, so the Soviet Unions main long term policy became gradual transformation of America into a communist state by infiltrating the media and academia through Marxist oriented professors and journalists, this way they could at least neutralize and demoralize their main enemy. The radical left dominated academia in the west has been indoctrinating generations of Americans with political ideologies that teach them the concept of peace through appeasement of evil through portraying evil as just another way of life for others that the westerners should respect! To people like Curry, Jimmy Carter, Obama, ... and many other products of these leftist political doctrines, if the communists, the islamists and other enemies of humanity are oppressing civilians in their own countries, that should be ignored and any harsh criticism should be avoided as meddling in other nations business, they also teach these idiots that hostility and dangers of these dangerous regimes is because of western aggression toward them, not the totalitarian nature of the ideologies and political systems they are based on , so in Curry and other idiots worldviews , peace with mullahs is absolutely possible and Islamic Republic is the righteous form of government in Iran because in the books they read that the majority of Iranians are shia Muslim and they revolted in favor of Islamist radical Khomeini and voted for Islamic Republic democracy back in 1979 and Khomeini liberated them from Shahs tyranny , so if the mullahs have been torturing and killing Iranians its because most Iranians are traitors and agents of imperialists and capitalists, if the mullahs have been arming all terrorists in the world, its all because Americans allowed him to enter the US for cancer treatment, plus because democratically elected prime minister was toppled by CIA when 60 years ago and millions of Iranian agents of imperialism celebrated restoration of their constitution after the shah returned. Curry and those with her mentality, the IRI is a legitimate government that is protecting its interest against American imperialism and people like Trita Parsi and Houman Majd are agents of peace defending their legitimate interests as defined by the academia . These people are not realist, they all bent to ideological doctrines that the IRI is exploiting through clean cut, western educated soft spoken celebrities like Majd and Parsi who know how to take advantage of the ideological worldviews of these idiots, specially since foreign policy has been a political battleground between the anti-war liberal left and the neo-con warmonger right
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 04:05:56 +0000

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