AnnMari Heize said something that is interesting, there is - TopicsExpress


AnnMari Heize said something that is interesting, there is corruption everywhere, not just in greece, i agree so lets see where in the world we belong in terms of corruption! I dont know about you but i dont want to be ranked along with Senegal. China. and Swaziland and Burkina Faso These are either dictatorships or failed states... But i think knowing how deeply in trouble we are will help fix it, so here is the data. (Note also that this has not really changed that much since the 1990es) CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX 2013. From the cleanest countries to the more corrupt. RANK COUNTRY/TERRITORY SCORE 1 Denmark 91 1 New Zealand 91 3 Finland 89 3 Sweden 89 5 Norway 86 5 Singapore 86 7 Switzerland 85 8 Netherlands 83 9 Australia 81 9 Canada 81 11 Luxembourg 80 12 Germany 78 12 Iceland 78 14 United Kingdom 76 15 Barbados 75 15 Belgium 75 15 Hong Kong 75 18 Japan 74 19 United States 73 19 Uruguay 73 21 Ireland 72 22 Bahamas 71 22 Chile 71 22 France 71 22 Saint Lucia 71 26 Austria 69 26 United Arab 69 Emirates 28 Estonia 68 28 Qatar 68 30 Botswana 64 31 Bhutan 63 31 Cyprus 63 33 Portugal 62 33 Puerto Rico 62 33 Saint Vincent and 62 the Grenadines 36 Israel 61 36 Taiwan 61 38 Brunei 60 38 Poland 60 40 Spain 59 41 Cape Verde 58 41 Dominica 58 43 Lithuania 57 43 Slovenia 57 45 Malta 56 46 Korea (South) 55 47 Hungary 54 47 Seychelles 54 49 Costa Rica 53 49 Latvia 53 52 Mauritius 52 53 Malaysia 50 53 Turkey 50 55 Georgia 49 55 Lesotho 49 57 Bahrain 48 57 Croatia 48 57 Czech Republic 48 57 Namibia 48 61 Oman 47 61 Slovakia 47 63 Cuba 46 63 Ghana 46 63 Saudi Arabia 46 66 Jordan 45 67 Macedonia (FYR) 44 67 Montenegro 44 69 Italy 43 69 Kuwait 43 69 Romania 43 72 Bosnia and 42 Herzegovina 72 Brazil 42 72 Sao Tome and 42 Principe 72 Serbia 42 72 South Africa 42 77 Bulgaria 41 77 Senegal 41 77 Tunisia 41 80 China 40 80 Greece 40 82 Swaziland 39 83 Burkina Faso 38 83 El Salvador 38 83 Jamaica 38 83 Liberia 38 83 Mongolia 38 83 Peru 38 The list continues, the rest are mostly in africa or are in war situations. The full report is here
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 23:09:25 +0000

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