Annad bhavanti bhutani. Everyone must be given sufficient food. - TopicsExpress


Annad bhavanti bhutani. Everyone must be given sufficient food. Krsna does not say, Fast and chant Hare Krsna. Krsna is not so impractical. He says, Eat very nicely, maintain yourself very nicely, and chant Hare Krsna. Make your life successful. That is the program of the Krsna consciousness movement. The Krsna consciousness movement is not one-sided it is all-embracing. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. The Krsna consciousness movement wants to see everyone happy. Without being happy, how you can remain peaceful? That is not possible. Therefore: bhagavan uvaca. Take lessons from Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the all-perfect. What will you gain by hearing this rascal or that rascal? Try to hear from the Supreme Personality without any fault, without any deviation. There are four kinds of defects in conditional life: we have imperfect senses, and we have the tendency to commit mistakes, to be in illusion, and to cheat. We are all infected with these four deficiencies of life, or material conditions of life. One who is free from these defects is called mukta, liberated. Those infected with these defects cannot give you perfect knowledge. That is not possible. How can anyone gather perfect knowledge with imperfect senses? They can simply say, Perhaps, It may be, Most probably. Thats all. Theories. Nobody can say, It is like this. One who is wise, learned, should try to understand how to get out of the cycle of birth and death. Now you have got this American body, a body from a very nice, rich nation. And we have got an Indian body. Thats all right. But what is the next life? People do not know. You prepare for the future by education, but how are you preparing for the next life? People do not know whether or not there is life after death. Such fools we are that we do not know. Therefore we have to hear from the perfect person, Krsna. Krsna says, dehino smin yatha dehe. That is the first instruction. Dehino smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara, tathadehantara-praptih. That is the beginning of spiritual education. Dehantara-praptih. We have to change this body, transmigrate from this body to another body. Transmigration is subtle, but no university teaches how the soul transfers from one body to another or what kind of body you are going to get next. There is no such science being taught. But the change of body is our real problem. Gita Is for Everyone Therefore we have to hear from Krsna, Bhagavan, the Supreme, the person who can give us perfect knowledge. That is the process. If we really want knowledge, we have to hear from Krsna. And Krsna is so kind, He came personally. The first point of spiritual knowledge is this: I am not this body. Then spiritual knowledge begins. Otherwise there is no possibility of spiritual knowledge. One who is thinking, I am this body; this body is my self, is a rascal, an animal. Thats all. This rascal animalism is going on all over the world. I am American, I am Indian, I am a brahmana, I am ksatriya. This is rascaldom. You have to go above this. Then there is spiritual knowledge. That is bhakti-yoga.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:39:16 +0000

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