Annelisa Christensen has challenged me to name the ten books that - TopicsExpress


Annelisa Christensen has challenged me to name the ten books that have stuck with me in my life - however, like her, I have to bunch a whole load together for their collective effects on me :) As you may tell, my reading interest lies mainly in sci-fi fantasy and esotericism. I suppose my list would be boring if it was all recipes and bios LOL - So I have tried to squeeze it down to ten, it was hard! Here goes; 1. Magician - Raymond E Feist - and its following series. The first book of this series seriously knocked my socks off! Magic, mystery, Interstellar travel through power of the mind, medieval life and the companionship of outsiders. This entire series still today holds a dear place for me. Its actually this series that inspired me to write my own novel - still a work in progress many years later LMAO 2. David Eddings - The Belgariad series. This series and his others too, still wow me to this day. 3. Terry Pratchet - The discworld series. These books link to modern life but in an Olde way and his witt is second to none! I must have every single book! 4. Trudi Canavan - Everything shes written! But starting with the Black Magician Trilogy. One of the most fantastic trilogies :) This author has a way with exploring the human condition through fantasy and magic and opened my mind to many things. 5. Hitchikers guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams. Of course! 6. The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield This book opened my head right open during my teens to possibilities previously unthought of. Coincidence, the power of thought. Recommended read for anyone :) 7. Isaac Asimov - and his series of robotics and their three laws. In particular; The Last Question, an absolutely immense read opening up the possibility to infinite circles of life and the important questions posed by humans in a never ending quest for answers. I even have a link for it :) is only a short story so go read it! https://facebook/notes/buick-ras-maccoll/the-last-question-by-isaac-asimov-1956/400248554530 8. Lord of the Rings - Tolkein Well... its gotta be in the list somewhere lol Elves, dwarves, wizards - Who wouldnt love this!! What amazed me most is the entire language that Tolkien devised just for these books and the effort went to in order to make his story such a success. 9. Dune - Frank Herbert TBH it was the film that spurred me onto this one. As a kid seeing it, the tech and lifestyles of the characters fascinated me no end. Maud Dib still seems like the most magical of names :) I was quite shocked to find there is an entire series of books the film was based on :) 10. The Book of Enoch - Enoch of course. This one, moves away from sci fi (almost lol) and taught me the nonsense of Christian preaching moving the biblical teachings more toward ancient astronaut theories rather than into worshipping false gods and spurred me onto a mission of finding esoteric truths which has so far spanned an entire education on spiritualism and mysticism in a search for ultimate truths. The dead sea scrolls were all left out of biblical canons - with good reason too. Of course youll only know this reason once investigated yourself ;) OK so having read a lot of books, having to make this list has been quite the effort haha but now happy its completed having stuck to mainly sci-fi - my favourite subject. I could easily have made this list best 100 books! 1984 - almost made it into my list. Although meaningful I found a little too authoritarian and not a lot of fun - but a BIG book none the less. And now I fear, I must challenge others - dont worry, theres no ice buckets involved :) Patrick Wilson, Jacqui MacColl, Alan Montgomery, Peter Cullinane, Peter Gale, Adrian Ammo Mackey, Robin Gething, Paul Pauline Bracegirdle, Keith Ordinary Guy, Sarah MeNo, Gemini Mc Donald Alex Michael Bonnici - and any one else that wants to do it :) Not really sure if Im allowed to challenge so many, but theres no rules really - its facebook lol
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:09:14 +0000

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