Annnnnnndddd DRUM ROLL PLEASE.... Here are the covers for the 5 - TopicsExpress


Annnnnnndddd DRUM ROLL PLEASE.... Here are the covers for the 5 games in HIGHLAND HUNGER!!!! And the legend to whet your appetite... GAME ONE releases 8/11!!! Legend… A land lays unclaimed on the windswept north shore of the western isles. Once, on these isles, Sìtheil Castle flourished under the rule of Olaf the Black. King Olaf was powerful, his army strong and his determination to keep what was his, fervent. Under his rule the clan was revered as one of the most powerful within all the realm. Unsurpassed in its wild and enchanting beauty, surrounding clans wanted desperately to enjoy the fruits of Olaf’s land, the comforts and protection of the castle stronghold. But the thick stone walls could not defend against the vicious plague that killed nearly everyone who resided there. Those who were left alive were at the mercy of their neighbors. Men who’d once watched with envious eyes from afar took up arms against the weakened holding—killing King Olaf. Unaware of what was happening so far away, the ruling Scottish council could not help the few survivors, and soon neighboring clans—and even those as far as the northern isles—began laying siege to Sìtheil, declaring war against each other. Olaf’s widow fought fiercely to keep her son Gillemorre’s claim and inheritance, but was eventually defeated. With constant bloodshed, the land fell into disarray. Crops dried up and disappeared. Animals died. Children starved. Some survivors fled into the woods, only to be devoured by the wild, ravenous beasts within the dark and vast recesses. Many succumbed to the swords brought down upon them by their cruel enemies, but one survivor escaped—Gillemorre. Facing danger—and death—he stole a small boat in the night and braved the rough waters to the main land, where he made the journey to Scone. He met and pleaded with the king on behalf of his holding and the few survivors he hoped existed. The king believed he would have to reign in a horde of barbarians and so he tasked his council with making a decision on the fate of Sìtheil. The council members decreed that only the fiercest of rulers would be able to keep the people of Sìtheil safe. Better yet—two fierce warriors. Only those who hungered for victory, would be able to restore order. And so there would be war games. Every five years a series of games would commence between the warring clans—and each clan would sacrifice two warriors—a male and female. There could be only two winners. One male. One female. To be married and named Chief and Lady of the land. To live in the grand castle rule the vast holding, and protect the people by divine right. May the gods be forever in their favor… Game on. Covers designed by Kim Killion at The Killion Group!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:38:35 +0000

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