Announcement! My first book review from the first batch of books I - TopicsExpress


Announcement! My first book review from the first batch of books I bought off of Amazon will be uploaded here, and on to my soon-to-be-created Youtube Channel and Vimeo account. I apologize to the person(s) possibly awaiting my first in-depth analysis of information to the world of occult and the seemingly infinitude of literature pertaining to the metaphysical, Quantum Physical, and supernatural. Note that I am not indiscriminately purchasing random books off Amazon to promote my own agenda. Firstly, I want to remind the fans who have liked this page and are avid followers that we are an alternative news media source and we will do the very best to uphold and maintain the highest of standards that ideally, the mainstream media was meant to possess, scholastic, objective, unbiased and a fallacy-free analysis of information when presented. Therefore, when we (the admins and myself of this page) take an approach to investigating a particular subjuct, concept or theory we make sure to scrutinize using these pertintent ideals before discriminating the source itself and victimizing our fans with a weak and non-cogent source that seeks to only reduce and dissuade the utilization of critical thinking skills. This very same approach is and will be applied to the processes that I undertake when deciding what author and what book to review. I mentioned that I would cover material concerning the emblems embossed on the Cover Art section of Conspiracy Pandemonium, and indeed my first book review will do just that, it will cover though impartially, the Roscurcian Order and the occultic information that they have stored in The Roscrucian Library. See here a Roscrucian Lodge that disseminates tremendously esoteric and hard-to-find texts. Expect my review of Roscrucians Lemuria---The Lost Continent of the Pacific, authored by Wishar S. Cerve, to be available to watch sometime within the next 1-3 weeks. I have already surveyed the book and am very pleased insofar as to provide positive feedback on as Cerve calls it, his semiscientific approach to discussing the fabled lost continent of Lemuria. While I somewhat endorse the views of the popular Spirit Sciences Facebook Page and Youtube Channel, I do recognize the historical imperative that I have to considering alternative opinions to my own. Therefore, before watching my review of Cerves book, kindly watch Spirit Sciences Spirit Science 12 ~ The Human History Movie. Please consider that I will at one point make posts about the content of this movie also, because there are practically hundreds of concepts that the Lead Producer, Jordan Pearce of Spirit Sciences channel covers in the span of just a little under and hour, and it may at times be too overwhelming to keep up with him. It was for me. This is why other patriots of Youtube have re-uploaded a slower version of this too, to subsequently, Youtube as well. If you so wish to watch this version, type in the search enginge of Youtube, the human history movie and it will appear within the first 1-5 results. I encourage the people who are reading this to research the concepts presented in this film, as Pearce presents the information in such a way that he presumes his audience to already be quite familiar and adept in the understanding of them. In fact, I myself am still playing catch-up with it, and am always finding some nuanced, extraordinary experience each time I reexamine and reinvestigate it. As always, I appreciate your continual support from both the admins of Conspiracy Pandemonium and my loyal audience. Remember, that I promote discussions of the material posted. I am not here to tell you the ultimate truth, or be anybodys Messiah. I am simply presenting my own beliefs and all beliefs are limited by our knowledge we currently possess on said topic(s) and our ability to examine them in the restricted and finite way(s) in which we do. I am here, like you all are, to learn and I learn as well as some of you may do too, with the exchange of dialogue and information between myself and other(s). Thusly, and as such, discussion can be a perfect conduit to convey and yield such an auspicious outcome. Thank you everybody, and I will continue to keep you posted about what I find. -The inquisitioner https://youtube/watch?v=U8NNHmV3QPw
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 17:56:24 +0000

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