Announcement from Bishop Peggy Johnson: Bishop Peggy - TopicsExpress


Announcement from Bishop Peggy Johnson: Bishop Peggy Johnson announces the appointment of Rev. Dr. Vicki Gordy-Stith as the Director of Connectional Ministries of the Peninsula-Delaware Annual Conference, effective July 1, 2015. A graduate of the United States Naval Academy and Duke Divinity School, Vicki has served the conference since her ordination in 1993, at Whaleyville-New Hope Charge in the Salisbury District, Skyline UMC in the Wilmington District, and as the Dover District Superintendent. Together with her husband, Bo, a pastor serving Asbury UMC in New Castle, they have three children, Joy, Eli, and Elijah. She sends her greetings, below, followed by a link to her resume. Grace and peace! I look forward to serving together with you—the churches, clergy, and laity of the Peninsula-Delaware Annual Conference. God has richly blessed us—with diversity and commitment! Our churches include diversity in many ways: in cultures and races, theological perspectives, age groups, ministry focus, and ways of being the church. Our people remain committed to worship, ministry, and mission. Yet, cultural changes have impacted our congregations, both in finances and mission. As we struggle with these changes, we find ourselves tempted to revert into survival mode instead of revival mode. But, God has a word for us in the book of Revelation. In chapter two, the Son of Man addresses the church in Ephesus: “I know your works, your labor, and your endurance…You have shown endurance and put up with a lot for my name’s sake, and you haven’t gotten tired. But I have this against you: you have let go of the love you had at first. So…Change your hearts and lives and do the things you did at first.” (Revelation 2:2-5, excerpts from CEB translation) In all of our activity, we cannot lose sight of our first love, Jesus Christ! Jesus loves us so deeply and unconditionally, that we cannot possibly comprehend it. (See Ephesians 3:18.) We call it, “prevenient grace,” because it comes long before we know what it is or how to respond. So, how do we remember the depth of God’s love for us? How do you bask in it? How do we as a conference renew that first love? The verses go on to encourage us to change our hearts and lives. Here, we see justifying grace, where we accept Jesus’ love for us and allow our relationships to be put right again (justified). (See Acts 13:38-40.) How do we, as a connectional annual conference, live in such a way where we practice right relationships? How do we live together even when we disagree? How do we practice repentance and forgiveness in all that we do together? How does our life together witness to the world what we believe about justifying grace? Finally, the passage from Revelation calls us to do the things we did at first, to practice our faith out of the love and excitement we felt when we first embraced Jesus. These practices help us grow in sanctifying grace, or perfection—perfect love of God and neighbor. (See Matthew 22:34-40.) How does our work as an annual conference empower us to grow in loving God and neighbor? How do we use the blessings God bestows as a way to bless others? (See Genesis 12:1-3.) How do our words and deeds (as individuals, as church communities, as an annual conference) demonstrate God’s love to others? These questions along with others remain in my heart and prayer as I prepare to serve with you in this new way. I offer myself to work to empower churches and leaders to serve in the new context in which we live. As we partner with others, reach out to young people and the marginalized, and revitalize our mission and ministry, may we discover once again the Light of the World shining in and through us! Blessings for our journey together, Vicki The Rev. Dr. Vicki Gordy-Stith
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 02:21:46 +0000

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