Announcements New class schedule to begin Monday - TopicsExpress


Announcements New class schedule to begin Monday 2.2.15 545am CF 9am CF 10am Open Gym 3pm CF 415pm CFK (TBA) M/W 4pm Open Gym T/TH/F 530pm CF 630pm CF 730pm Specialty Classes (Oly, Yoga, Mobility) Saturday - 9am CFK(TBA) 10am CF 11am Open Gym Sunday - 1pm ErgFit and ErgCircuit (These will alternate every saturday)(4 spots for ErgFit 20 spots open for ErgCircuit TFP CrossFit - CrossFit The Open Workout 12.1 will be the fitness testing for the WLC. If you have signed up for this challenge, you will be performing this workout on Monday 1.19.15. If you are not doing this challenge you will be performing the regular scheduled workout. Mobility Downdog calf stretch, 20x 10-15 PVC Dislocates Hold bottom of OHS for 30 seconds + 10 OHS w/ PVC Warm-up Row 400 meters(200m Straight Legs, 200m Straight Arms) 10 Stiff legged Deadlift 10 Snatch grip Push Press 10 Overhead squats 5 Hang Snatch Hi-Pulls 5 Hang Muscle Snatch Fitness Strength 16 Minute EMOM: Even Minute: Muscle Snatch x 3 reps Odd Minute: Jumping Lunges x 10 reps Notes: Work up in weight from what you did last week for the Muscle Snatch, if you start to Power Snatch, that is ok! Jump as high as you can on the lunges. Scale down to alternating reverse lunges or up by adding weight as needed. FIT: Muscle Snatch (8x3) Performance Strength 8 Minute EMOM: Snatch x 1 rep at 85% Rest 1 minute, then at 9:00 perform Every other Minute for 6 minutes (3 sets): Snatch x 1 rep at 90-95% Notes: These should be full squat snatches from the floor. Scale the percentages and work up in weight as needed. PERF: Snatch (11x1) Fitness Conditioning FIT: Metcon (3 Rounds for time) Three Rounds for times of: 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 15 Plyo Push-Ups to plates 15 Kettlebell Swings Rest 2 minutes -20 min cap- Notes: Prescribed is hands starting on the floor with 45/25 plates just outside your hands, touch your chest to the ground then explode up and catch your hands on the plates, and 70/53 kb to overhead. Newer athletes and those with mobility issues may perform ring rows and russian style swings. If you are a more experienced athlete but the heavy KB is still too much for you, try using a heavier weight than normal with a shorter range of motion instead of just scaling the weight down. Scale the Plyo Pushups by using a band on your hips, plyo pushups with no plates where you just get your hands off the ground or performing regular pushups. Performance Conditioning PERF: Metcon (3 Rounds for time) Three Rounds for times of: 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups 15 Power Cleans (135/95) Rest 2 minutes Notes: If you cannot perform the SHSPU, perform a negative plus a kipping HSPU. Scale the volume as needed to make the time cap. All of these movements will likely be in the Open, so be sure to focus on efficiency and quality standards! Cooldown Doorway stretch Active Hang Couch stretch Conditioning CrossFit Games Open 12.1 (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps) 7-Minute AMRAP of: Burpees to a 6 target
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 07:26:33 +0000

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