Announcements for this week: NO YOUTH this Sunday night!! Enjoy - TopicsExpress


Announcements for this week: NO YOUTH this Sunday night!! Enjoy the 4th of July weekend. “Summer Serve” returns this week!! Meet on Wednesdays in the youth room a 1:00 pm. For more information see the Welcome Desk or the information table in the Youth Room. The Women’s Summer Book Club is meeting on Tuesdays at noon in room 221. This summer we are studying Sue Monk Kidd’s new book, The Invention of Wings. See more information at the Welcome Desk. Plan now to attend the Oklahoma Conference Mission U at OCU. Weekend school July 18th-20th or the abbreviated study (1.5 day study) July 20th-21st. Three studies to choose from. Rev. Susan Southall will be teaching the session “How is it with Your Soul”. Children’s session on weekend only. Scholarships available—see Vicki in the business office. Registration information at the Welcome Desk. Dedication is set for the Prayer Chapel Columbarium for next Sunday, July 13th during both services with reception and tours between the services. FUMC is putting a team together to focus on hospitality. This team will serve behind the scenes working to develop a culture of hospitality at FUMC. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Rev. Mitchell. Our Communion Rail Offering this Sunday supports two of our United Methodist special offerings: Peace with Justice and Human Relations. As we celebrate our freedom, let’s help support ministries that bring Peace and Freedom to others! CHOIR CAMP—Oh, Jonah! Sign up & casting for main parts going on NOW. July 28th–August 1st, 9:00-Noon. (for kids who have completed 1st-6th grades). Forms at Welcome Desk & on our FUMC website. Questions? Call Lori Markes 554-5980. FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT!! Wednesday, July 9th at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The name of the movie we will be watching is KHUMBA. Contact Leslie Klamm for more information. Our Open Your Heart Project for July/August will be collecting school room supplies for Taft Elementary as a part of our Team Taft ministry. For more details, see the Welcome Desk. As a part of the Chapel renovation we have chapel pews available to anyone who would like to make a monetary donation. Only 4 left!! Call the church for details (237-2041). Covenant Bible Study is coming to FUMC this Fall!! Be watching for more details…. First United Methodist Church Enid, Oklahoma has a Facebook Page!!! “Like” us and keep up with the daily prayers and devotional postings. Check out all the announcements and calendar for this week at the churchs website: firstchurchenid/, Then click on Weekly Calendar and This Weeks Announcements at the bottom of the post-it note. We are also putting up the sermons for you to download.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:12:42 +0000

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