Annual Report of Tibetan Social Service From October, - TopicsExpress


Annual Report of Tibetan Social Service From October, 2013-October, 2014 Introduction The primary objective and the priority of the members of the TSS is to render social services necessary for Tibetan community in exile. But it must be clarified that the concept of the social service provided by the TSS is very vast and cannot be defined precisely. Therefore, whatever services the TSS rendered so far are all based on the needs and requisitions made by various needy Tibetans of the Tibetan community. It is with great regret that, in its formative two years of TSS founding, not major projects could be implemented as per its vision. However TSS has undertaken various helpful and socially beneficial tasks that assisted and impacted hundreds of needy Tibetans in Dharamshala and Delhi in tackling numerous complicated and tactical problems. These services include timely assistance to patients in consulting Doctors and physicians in various hospitals and Medical centers in and around Dharamshala and Delhi. This hugely assisted in alleviating hundred of serious and critically ill patients from problems of proper guidance and language assistance during consultations in far away hospitals. It must be stated that most of the patients who need these services are uneducated lots; mostly arrived from Tibet and poor family background. Besides since its inception, TSS has emerged as the only NGO that provides guidance and tactical service in the assisting the exile Tibetans especially those who are illiterates and also those who lack experience and exposure in filling up and applying for the much needed Travel documents (Yellow book/IC), Residential Permit (Adhaar card/ National Social Security Card), Registration Certificate and various other official documents etc. which are important and basic documents necessary for any Tibetans while living and travelling in India. TSS also provides translation service in Embassies, Hospitals, Indian Government and CTA Offices etc. TSS most importantly provide free information to anyone who approaches TSS for any necessary information related to consulting, approaching and processing documents and related benefits from the Offices of Government of India and CTA etc. Participation in Central Committee Meeting of TSG Himalayan Parivaar in Delhi Once a year, Himalaya Parivaar, a prominent and most active Tibet Support Group, organizes Central Committee Meeting in Delhi and TSS is proud to inform that TSS director Mr. Chime Youngdung is one of the founding member and State Vice President of Himachal Pradesh region. During the current meeting Mr. Chime was the only Tibetan attending the entire meeting. As a Tibetan he has a responsibility to represent the Tibetan community. It is felt that it is very important to have more Tibetan representation in future. TSS acknowledged that Mr. Thupten Nyendak la who was an old member of the Organization, recently promoted to the membership of the Central Executive Committee of Himalaya Parivaar. Himalayan Parivar is an organization that besides supporting Tibetan issue, deals with the protection and security of Indo-Tibet border and security of the Himalayan region. TSS Director is one of foremost and most hard-working member who strove to build this organization with some of his Indian and Tibetan friends in year 2002 in Dharamshala. Mr Indresh Kumar is the founder and chief of the Himalaya Parivaar and the key person of the conference. Mr. Indresh Kumar is a sincere and staunch Tibet supporter for long time. He is also the founder of the Bharat Tibbat Sahayog Manch. He invited Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay and Kalon Gyari Dolma to the swearing-in ceremony of the new Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi. He is also a senior functionary of the RSS, largely regarded as the parent body of a prominent Indian political party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which recently achieved a thumping victory in the Indian General Election. Inter school Lecture competition at Lower TCV. TSS Director in collaboration with the Himalaya Parivaar organized a lecture competition on the topic of Tibet issue at the Lower TCV School. This event is to promote awareness among the younger generation of India, especially in schools as they are the future of India. Over 90 percent of the participants in the Lecture competition are Indian students from different Indian schools. Every student participants have good knowledge and awareness on Tibet issues and have prepared their speech on different topics like culture genocide, Tibet border, importance of Tibetan language, independence of Tibet, India’s Security, Tibet’s environment, forced sterilization of Tibetan women etc. TSS is always trying to create and promote aware about real situation inside Tibet to the other communities and younger generations. This event was organized on 21st july, 2014. Award received by TSS Director. TSS Director Mr. Chime Youngdung has been recognized with an Appreciation Award on 3rd Sept, 2014 by the National Democratic Party of Tibet on the occasion of 20th Founding Anniversary celebration at Tipa, Dharamsala in honour of his Presidentship and his 8 years long service to the NDPT at its critical and formative stage. It was an honor to receive the award from the guest of honour Mr. Vijay Singh Mankotia, former Union Minister and Vice Chair of Tourism Dept, government of Himachal Pradesh. Raksha Bhandhan Event Raksha Bhandhan is a popular wrist band Indian festival to mark the love and bondage between Brothers and sisters as a life-long commitment of providing security and love. It is a Hindi word for the popular Indian festival celebrated since ancient times. So, we the Tibetan also celebrate this festival with the Indian brothers and sisters for their successful life and good relation between the two communities. TSS is also the co-organizer of the event along with Regional Tibetan Womens Associations and Himalaya Parivaar. On that day we plant saplings of trees with the local Indian brothers and sisters for the improvement and preservation of environment. At the same time, we tie wrist bands to the brothers and sisters, especially the Indian officers, administrators for good relation with the locals with the Tibetans in India. Tibetan Women association is following this festival from long time with the regional chapters all over India. Social Help a) 3rd April 2014: Mr.Tenzin, who lives in Mainpat Tibetan settlement works as a seasonal sweater selling business in winter time in Katni town. Unfortunately he faced serious health problem and could not continue his business for few years. After couple of years later he wished to continue his business but his shop was owned by the Katni Sweater Sellers Association. He tried to get the shop back at any cost but he couldn’t. So he was left with no choice but to inform it to Department of Homes (CTA). He came to Dharamshala and requested Mr. Chime Youngdung of TSS for help. With the help of Mr. Chime Youngdung, he has the opportunity to meet Additional Secretary of Home Department, Mr. Chime Rigzin and shared what was happened. On the next day, Mr. Chime took him to the Speaker of Parliament, Mr. Penpa Tsering and shared all his problems. Mr. Penpa Tsering advised them to submit a detail application about the incident for further follow ups and solution. On the following day, he was taken to meet Secretary General of Home Department Mr. Sonam Topgyal Khorlatsang for the same case. Mr. Khorlatsang finally consulted the Katni Association and the Mainpat Settlement. Finally the matter was successfully resolved with Mr. Tenzin receiving the shop for the seasonal business. b) 7th April 2014: TSS support in revoking of transfer of nurses from Mainpat Tibetan Settlement. Director of TSS, Mr. Chime Youngdung approached the CTA’s Health Kalon Mr. Tsering Wangchuk to discuss about the forced transfer of the needy nurses from the remote Mainpat Settlement t other places. Mr. Chime urged Kalon Wangchuk to revoke the decision to transfer the two nurses from the settlement hospital as the residents was greatly disappointed with the decision and fear that the decision would impact greatly in providing a smooth medical care and services for them if the transfer is implemented. They speak highly of the excellent service and care rendered to the local Tibetans by the nurses and believes that they would suffer a lot through these transfers. Supported by the Settlement officer, the residents have also filed complaints to the concerned Department regarding the same. They vouch for the excellent dedication and the ability of the nurse during their long years of service there. Mr. Chime Youngdung intimated the concerned authorities of the serious issue and urged the Kalon on revoking of the same. This application was forwarded with a letter of support from the Mainpat Tibetan settlement officers Mr. Kalden Norbu, Tibetan Women Association and hundreds of signature from the local residents. However despite utmost explanation and efforts, the Kalon failed to understand and listen to the public grievances and stuck to the uncomfortable and wrong decision. Finally she was moved out of the settlement to the huge disappointment of all. New Office The Tibetan Social Service Delhi branch was established on 17th January 2014 at Majnu ka Tilla Tibetan camp in Delhi. The main aims and objectives of opening the same were to bring more social services to the needy Tibetans in the Tibetan Community. Director of TSS Mr. Chime Youngdung left for Delhi on early January 2014 to organize, coordinate and manage the branch office. He also gave training to the new staffs and promote the newly opened office and facilitate networking with various other offices in the Majnu ka Tilla. The Services provided in the branch office is same as the one in the Main office in Dharamshala. Most prominently, we help, guide and assist in the filling up the forms of Aadhaar card, Pan Card, Filling online form of Identity certificate, European VISA form, Registration Certificate, Translation assistance etc. Till now, TSS in Delhi had helped around thirty patients in registration and consultation and medical appointment in various hopitals, filled 208 Tibetans IC online forms, helped references in Foreigners Registration Office and the appointments and interviews in several Embassies. We have also coordinated and arranged meetings with the Majnu ka Tilla Samyeling Settlement Office in providing instructions and guidance and various public interest announcements and urgent welfare cases etc. Cases of need of urgent need of blood donors in various hospitals etc are constant occurrence. Currently the Delhi Branch is operating and functioning smoothly for the past several months. The locals in Majnu ka Tilla have great appreciation and recognition for the services rendered by the TSS branch. Survey in Mainpat Tibetan Settlement After the first annual meeting of TSS, The director, board members Mr. Dennis Barbion, venerable Ven. Mogru Tenpa and coordinator Sisa Salgado visited the Mainpat Tibetan Settlement and conducted a survey on Tibetan settlement people of Mainpat. The survey revealed poor living condition of the people in the settlement. Venerable Mogru Tenpa stayed in the settlement for several weeks and provided free tuition for the children. Sisa Salgado helped in drafting the history of Mainpat Lhamo Association and prepared project proposal in English language. Mrs Tsering Chodon of camp no 1 was found to be in a very poor health condition in the settlement. She was an old and helpless with no relatives and friends to look after her. Therefore it was very difficult for her to get proper treatment. She was advised by the doctor to undergo surgery at the earliest to remove her ovary to avoid and prevent deterioration in her health condition. Though minimum, TSS Director contributed 5000 Rupees for her travel expenses to the hospital and Mr. Dennis Barbion and Sisa Salgado has contributed some funds for her treatment. However to the great dismay of all concerned, after few months, we learned the awful news that she had demised of the ailment. Om Mani Padme Hung !! Report on Assistance to Dompo Kyi by TSS Dompo kyi is a mother of two children, living in Dharamsala. She is currently working as a cook for living. She was the mother of Mr Tseten Dorjee, a poet and writer who launched a Peace March to Tibet and whose whereabouts could not be ascertained after he reached Indo Tibet Border. During the several months of lone Peace March through northern towns of India to Tibet, the dedicated and determined Tsetan Dorjee once asserted, I might be arrested, or go to jail, or even die-it doesnt matter, I will not stop until Tibet gets freedom or until the Chinese government accepts my demands. That he left behind his old mother, a sister and few children with his wife is a sad development. What we helped? Through a phone call from Ven. Mogru Tenpa Gyatso.(15th Tibetan Parliament Member) asking assistance for mother Dompo Kyi in the preparation of few official documents. We were told that Ama Dompo kyi was struck at Kacheri, local Court in Lower Dharamshala in the process of preparing an affidavit for IC certificate. In order to apply for Identity Certificate (Yellow Book) she needed a court affidavit s she doesn’t have a birth certificate. So she went there for affidavit and as she doesn’t know how to make it and this is made more difficult because she can’t speak Hindi. That’s why one of our staff went there to assist help. • We went down to the court to prepare the affidavit for her. • Photo copied all the required documents for Identity Certificate. • Got the supporting letter and attested all the photocopied documents from the Tibetan Welfare Office in Mcleod Ganj. • Filled online form for fresh application. • Submitted one sets of photocopied documents and supporting letter to Kashag to get the authorization letter. • We have submitted it to the Delhi Bureau office for final application This is the first time we have helped the applicant from A-Z process. She deserves the support all the more as she was the mother of a dedicated Tibet activist Tsetan Dorjee who dedicated his life for Tibet. We are glad that we have helped her. Looking forward to help more such people in future. Assistance in Transcription Tibetan Social Service also makes effort in providing assistance in transcription any form of religious manuscript, old language books, prayer books, story books and etc. in Tibetan and English. Taking these things into positive way we are indirectly helping in preservation of our Tibetan culture, religion through transcription in modern technology like Computers, laptops and gadgets. List of number of assistance in the preparation of Identity Certificates Months No. of People October 69 November 79 December 75 January 75 February 65 March 64 April 86 May 78 June 81 July 90 August 60 September 60 Total 882 The Tibetan Social Service is proud to state that TSS had helped over 882 Tibetans in filling up the forms and preparations of identity certificate(IC). Identity certificate is a travel document issued by the Indian government for those Tibetans who wish to travel abroad. It’s the passport to go to abroad for Tibetan people. As you see in the above table, we have filled a total of 882 forms for the Tibetan people living in India from 1st Oct-2013 to 30th Sep-2014 with an average of 73 people in a month. They came for help and we fulfill it. The 75% of those people who came for help are from Tibet and has no idea about how to fill it. For them we are always more than ready to provide assistance. We are not only filling forms but also provide guidance on Identity certificate, how many passport photo are needed, where to get attestation, where to submit documents, when to submit etc. Enquiry addresses help: The Tibetan Social Service also provides helps for those Tibetans and students who have no permanent addresses to give while filling online identity certificate. While filling IC form, an address is very important, for that address the government officials will come to enquire the details after the submission of the form and documents to Delhi Bureau office. During enquiry times if they couldn’t find you at the address that you have written in the form then the officials will consider an enquiry as failed and you will never get the IC later. Reports will come as “untraceable for giving address”. So the given address should be stable and permanent is very important for the enquiry. For those people who do not have stable addresses, we help them and authorized them to write our office address in their form for the successful address proof. We register their names and phone number in our book so that we can call them when their respective enquiry arrives. IC status: The Tibetan Social Service also helps to check the IC applications status through the website of Delhi Bureau Office. Usually when we search or check IC status in website its always says “Processing at RPO” which means IC is in the processing and takes time but sometimes it’s not updated on time. So in order to check the latest IC status we have to call the Bureau Office. Actual work timing of bureau office is between 9am to 5pm but they hardly pick the call at morning session because they are very busy collecting IC forms and documents. And the busy schedule will continue till afternoon as well because they are going to Indian offices to submit IC forms and documents. I think our favorite time to call bureau office is between 4pm-5pm. During this time they are back from Indian office and have time to respond to the enquiries. So we are calling between 4-5pm and check IC status. Till now we have registered 43 people from month of July about IC status. If our calls are picked up by Bureau officials then we ask them and ask IC status of various applicants. Helps to submit IC: The Tibetan Social Service helps to submit Identity Certificate form and documents to Bureau office. We also check if the documents required for making IC are submitted or not. Adhaar Helps: Month No. Of People October 33 November 30 December 21 January 19 February 9 March 8 April 13 May 14 June-Sep 6 Total 123 The Tibetan Social Service helps to fill Adhaar card form. Adhaar card is an identity proof issued by the Government of India for all the people living in India and Tibetans can apply and are issued as well. Those illiterate Tibetans came from Tibet are suffering from the problem in filling the form in English so we help filling them. Till now we have filled the Adhaar card application for over 123 Tibetans. Application and Letter Writing Assistance: Tibetan Social Service office is helping to write application in English for the people who don’t know how to write application in English. Application writing is very simple but it’s difficult to those people who are illiterate. Therefore it is very important in our society. If you need supporting letter from Tibetan Welfare Office they will ask for application, if you want to make pan card again they will ask for application, if you want to get admission in TCV schools definitely they will ask for application, etc. so this plays very important role in every society. These types of problems usually occur with those Tibetan who came from Tibet recently and are illiterate people in our community. For the sake of those people Tibetan Social Service with great warmth and compassion help in writing application. So far this year Tibetan Social Service office has helped several people who came to our office for help. Below are some important highlights of application that we have written for them. • We have helped Mr. Penpa, his wife and son to write application for job and admission in TCV schools respectively. • We have helped Mrs. Dolma Yangzom to write application to Department of Health (CTA) for continuation of financial assistance for her daughter. • We have helped Mrs. Yangchen’s family to write application to Department of Home (CTA) seeking to include their names in Kullu Tibetan settlement because they are excluded from there. • We have helped Mr. Nyima Gyaltsen in writing application to Tibetan Welfare Office, Dharamshala to get supporting letter to his daughter Phuntsok Lhamo for making new Tibetan Green Book. • We have helped Mr. Yeshi Lhundup to write application to Immigration Office of Canada seeking immigration status. We are very happy and glad that we helped them, their reaction is very positive and appreciate our work. Probably more will come in the coming years. Success Story of the Year Tibetan Social Service proudly present a Success Story in the form of great change TSS has succeeded in bringing in the life of Mr. Tenzin. TSS have helped, guided, inspired, trained and provided job in TSS to Mr. Tenzin who was a drug addict. When we met him, he was passing through a very critical stage in his life. TSS called him to Dharamshala and provided an alternative lifestyle to him in TSS. Currently he is fully recovered from the addiction and found a future in TSS. Earlier our Director Mr. Chime Youngdung decided to send him to Rehabilitation Center in Rajpur, (Zhidhey Khangsar) for the proper treatment with the 50 percent contribution by Health Department CTA. And after the completion of 4 months treatment and therapy, he returned to TSS completely healthy and ready for a new life. Today Mr Tenzin takes complete charge of running successfully the TSS Delhi Branch Office. He has received huge appreciation for his self less and dedicated services in Delhi. We are completely satisfied and proud of him as a Success story of TSS this year. …..End Text…..
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 10:20:07 +0000

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