Anon asks Please post for me, i feel like im losing my mind and - TopicsExpress


Anon asks Please post for me, i feel like im losing my mind and need some advice, guidance or just reassurance. Sorry for the long post. My little boy is just over 8mths old, i have given up work so i can be with him full time, and am trying very hard to take the natural approach. Myself and my husband bed share, we do have a side cot but he does not like this too much at the moment, and as i breastfeed on demand he wakes several times more during the night if he is in the side cot than he does if he is cuddled into me. My problem is that until last week neither myself or my husband had left him alone with anyone other than each other, i have felt no need to go out without him and we work around my sons bedtime feed if we want to go out as a family. During the day, if i needed to leave the room to make food/drink, go to the toilet ect, my son would happily play until i returned, and if i needed to shower, he would play in his actual full size cot without a peep, for about 40 mins before he got fussy and whimpery. Last weekend however my husband wanted to go out for an hours motorbike ride with me, and my MIL said she would have my son, although he has not seen her much or spent much time with her, he recognises her and he was fine and settled with a full belly when we left. Less than an hour later we returned, and he had apparantley only started crying moments before we arrived back. I gave him some boob and he settled down very quickly, went back to being happy and cuddly and we thought nothing more of it. Now, however, the last few days, if i get up with the intention of leaving the room, or try to put him down he screams, and i mean screams like something terrible has happened to him, i cant do anything without having him attached to me or leaving him to cry and scream and get into a terrible state until i finish what im doing. What can i do? I wont be leaving him with family again for a while, but what do i do about just leaving the room, without having the house sound like he is being tortured? Will this just pass or have i done irreparable damage? Anyone had the same happen to them? Please dont be rude or make nasty comments, id just like some gentle helpful advice as it really upsets me to think ive lost his trust that ive work very hard to build with him since the day he was born x
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 05:53:50 +0000

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