Anon has asked: My bambino is just over one, fully breastfed and - TopicsExpress


Anon has asked: My bambino is just over one, fully breastfed and has always been a crappy sleeper. He sleeps in a cot in a separate room. After co sleeping for the first few months we found he slept better alone. When he was younger he used to feed at night either once or twice - even if there were other wakings we could comfort him other ways. However recently he seems to have developed a real sense of what he wants and has started waking countless time throughout the night and is furious unless fed - not to sleep, but fed and then put down. When he wakes he is much more awake, absolutely furious, very loud and waking SOOO early for the day. So I think Id like to night wean as he breast feeds throughout the day and eats solids reasonably well (if hes not too busy with baby business!). I would love to hear how other people night weaned (Ive been reading about Dr Jay Gordons method??), what actually worked, how babies reacted. I am particularly interested in hearing from people whos bambinos who were quite vocal. I am not saying Im going to leave him to cry - I have noticed a huge difference in his crying since these recent wakings - he is not upset - he is really quite angry. Its the same as when he is angry during the day. Thank so much.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 09:44:27 +0000

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